Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Index

SDG Sub-target Aspect/issue Lufthansa Group’s contribution to achieving the global SDGs as defined in the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations
3.3 Employee concerns/Health and safety at work Preventive vaccination campaigns are being carried out. The Lufthansa Group offers its employees the chance to get vaccinated to protect them against a serious bout of influenza. The Group’s Medical Services provided 4,395 vaccinations in 2023.
3.4 Employee concerns/Health and safety at work

Psychosocial counselling provides stability in difficult situations

Health-promoting services are established

Managers and employees receive support covering the challenges of hybrid working
Processes have been established to provide for transparency and standardised mandatory training on occupational health and safety
3.8 Employee concerns/Health and safety at work The Medical Centres in Hamburg, Frankfurt and Munich provide a holistic range of healthcare services spanning occupational and aviation medicine, infectious diseases, tropical medicine and travel medicine, outpatient and emergency care and socio-medical counselling.
The entire Medical Services department, including Psychosocial Counselling and Passenger Medical Care, is certified according to the DIN ISO 9001:2015 quality management system. This certificate was renewed on the basis of an external audit in the summer of 2023.
In 2023, the Health Index was again tracked through the “involve me!” employee survey. The figure of 2.32 represented a slight improvement on the previous year’s 2.42. The results are measured on a scale from 1 (best) to 5 (worst).
Accident figures enable effectiveness audits: In 2023, the accident figures included all of the companies that are insured in Germany by the employers’ liability insurance association for the transport sector and that employ a total of 88% of the Lufthansa Group’s employees worldwide and 94% of its employees in Germany. In addition, by comparison with 2022, SWISS, Austrian Airlines and most of the international production businesses of the Lufthansa Technik group were included. For every one million hours worked, the initial incidence of work-related injuries in the reporting year was 7.8. However, the figure calculated for 2023 is provisional, since the data will be compared with the employers’ liability insurance association after the publication of this report. All events that resulted in downtime of at least one calendar day are included in the calculation of this indicator. By way of comparison, the volume of accidents for all of the companies insured with the employers’ liability insurance association for the transport sector amounted to 25.4 accidents per one million hours worked in 2022. This figure only takes into account accidents resulting in three or more days off work.
4.5 Social concerns

The main objective of help alliance is to empower disadvantaged young people worldwide to lead an independent life via development projects.

help alliance enables the expansion of social projects as well as opportunities for voluntary work. In 2023, help alliance broadened the range of voluntary work options available in its aid projects through the establishment of six additional help alliance communities. With 30 help alliance communities at 36 locations, the organisation thus offers employees opportunities for social engagement. In 2023, it also supported nine new projects in the areas of education, work and income and completed ten projects.

Access to schooling funded in India
help alliance and Lufthansa Cargo support people in Turkey and Syria
Support for disadvantaged people: In 2023, more than 52,000 disadvantaged people around the world received support through help alliance projects. This means that the number of beneficiaries of help alliance projects rose by 37% in comparison with 2022. In 2023, help alliance was responsible for 54 aid projects in 30 countries with a project volume of just under EUR 4.3m. Of these funds, 81% was allocated to educational projects, 14% to work- and income-related activities and 5% to emergency relief measures. In 2023, the project volume increased by 30%. A total
of 163 Lufthansa Group employees served as project managers for help alliance or led help alliance communities in the reporting year.
  4.5 Employee concerns/
Transformation capabilities

Multiple changes call for long-term transformation process and continuous transformation support:

Employees are offered regular professional training courses in order to continuously update their skills and abilities. In 2022, a department was established with the task of conducting a structured evaluation of the impacts on future roles and competence profiles of employees in all professional groups and to accompany them through changes. In the reporting year, this approach was applied to the administrative employees of Deutsche Lufthansa AG for the first time. The findings will be recorded in 2024, together with those from the participating departments, and measures will be identified on this basis. In this context, the Lufthansa Group has established a supportive process that enables employees to analyse the future viability of their own skill sets and to compare them with the current and future requirements for their roles. This is combined with wide-ranging opportunities for self-directed learning. Besides the traditional Group-wide training portfolio offered by the Lufthansa Group Campus, all employees in the Lufthansa Group have access to over 12,000 digital video courses in German and English, enabling self-directed learning.

7.2 Environmental concerns/
Climate protection
In the past decade, the Lufthansa Group has paid close attention to research into SAF (i.e. synthetic kerosene produced from renewable energy sources) and its testing and use. Since this time, the Lufthansa Group has worked in partnerships to drive key technologies for SAF production. Through letters of intent the Lufthansa Group secures access to required SAF volumes.

Sustainable aviation fuel to be used more widely:

SAF sales are set to be increased via the continuous development of more sustainable products, which customers can use throughout the travel chain, e.g. during the booking process or in-flight.

To enable the continuous procurement of SAF on the spot market, up to USD 250 million has been released for the period up to 2026 by the Executive Board of Deutsche Lufthansa AG. In addition, options for long-term supply commitments around the world are under consideration. These are expected to offer considerable production volumes and security of supply from around 2025 onwards. 2023, two further letters of intent were signed in order to secure a permanent supply of sustainable aviation fuels for the Lufthansa Group. In the long term, the Lufthansa Group will provide support for innovative supply concepts with the goal of transforming today’s start-ups and developers into tomorrow’s suppliers. In this regard, the Lufthansa Group focuses on synthetic kerosene based on residual materials, ligneous biomass and renewable electrical energy (power-to-liquid – PtL) as well as on research into the direct use of sunlight for fuel synthesis. To accelerate the market introduction of particularly forward-looking sustainable aviation fuels, the Lufthansa Group intends to establish an SAF Buyers Alliance next year. This is intended to pool demand on the part of multiple corporate customers, to enable the construction of pilot systems for fuel generation.
In 2023, Lufthansa German Airlines signed a letter of intent for a research partnership with the German Aerospace Center, Munich Airport, Airbus and MTU for operational testing of every aspect of PtL use in daily flight operations. This includes a wide range of questions relating to the use of SAF, such as the use of pure (100%) PtL fuel and the effect of SAF on the formation of contrails.
At the political level, the Lufthansa Group supports a global strategy for the supply of sustainable aviation fuels, such as through its membership of the ICAO Fuel Task Group since 2023. At the level of the EU, the Lufthansa Group advocates a simplification of the compliance processes for SAF-related regulation and has prepared a position paper on a book and claim system. This involves trading SAF on the basis of certificates rather than physically.
8.2 About this combined non-financial
Value-based management is an integral element of sustainable corporate governance for the Lufthansa Group. Sustainability considerations are increasingly helping to ensure financial resilience. The financial strategy of the Lufthansa Group seeks to increase its Company value in a sustainable manner.
The impact of the Company on non-financial aspects is taken into account in the Group risk management system of the Lufthansa Group.
Employee concerns/
Transformation capabilities
Hybrid event formats support employees’ ongoing development
Mobility and flexibility are key building blocks for modern working environments. By the end of 2023, all Lufthansa Group employees had access to cloud-based software. In addition to mobile devices, this software is an important prerequisite for remote and flexible working.
The Lufthansa Group helps its employees to act sustainably in relation to environmental and social issues in their fields of work. In 2023, the Lufthansa Group once again ran its Green Explorer learning and engagement programme for 150 selected above-average performers, the aim being to transform them into multipliers and driving forces for promoting sustainability in daily business operations.
Service Management Professional apprenticeship continues: 2023, 336 employees successfully completed this skill-building programme. This means that 1,830 employees have successfully completed this training since the programme was first introduced.
8.5 Employee concerns/
Attractiveness as an employer
Uniform performance and potential assessment enable that talent is retained.
Key remuneration components and additional benefits are offered.
Employer value proposition (EVP) is introduced to enhance the Group’s attractiveness as an employer. In the context of the EVP, the updated employer brand “Lufthansa Group careers” was launched. This was accompanied by three major marketing campaigns, which supported the successful recruitment of more than 14,890 employees in 2023.
Working and employment conditions for employees and managers are flexible and are adapted continually
The Engagement Index provides information about the Company’s attractiveness as an employer and has been tracked by the voluntary annual employee survey involve me! since 2015. In 2023, the Engagement Index value was 2.2 and increased by 0.2 compared with the previous year’s level of 2.4.
8.7 Business ethics and compliance/
Respect for human rights
Respect for human rights is a key issue for the Lufthansa Group. As an employer, the Lufthansa Group directly contributes to the livelihoods of more than 96,677 employees and their families worldwide. Its value chain also includes a large number of business partners whose employees contribute indirectly to the Lufthansa Group’s business success and may be dependent on it. This means that the Lufthansa Group shares responsibility for the concerns of its own workforce and, indirectly, for those of the employees along its value chain too. This is also reflected in working conditions at the Group companies, the guarantee of freedom of association and assembly, rules to ensure gender equality and the inclusion of minorities. It is also demonstrated in the expectation expressed in the Supplier Code of Conduct that the business partners included in the value chain should also adhere to these same principles.
In 2023, the Executive Board of Deutsche Lufthansa AG approved a policy statement on the human rights strategy of the Lufthansa Group. This policy statement reflects the Company’s commitment to ensuring respect for human rights. It describes how the Lufthansa Group fulfils its due diligence requirements, which high-priority human rights- and environment-related risks have been identified on the basis of the risk analysis and which human rights- and environment-related expectations apply to the employees of the Lufthansa Group and its suppliers. This is supplemented by the Lufthansa Group’s Code of Conduct, which applies to all board members, managers and employees of the Lufthansa Group, and its Supplier Code of Conduct. These two codes of conduct were revised in 2023 and now also reflect the requirements of the German Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains Act (LkSG).
The Lufthansa Group updates management approach for addressing human trafficking

Mandatory trainings on human rights, diversity and inclusion established. Information formats and campaigns for employees to be conducted

Dialogue formats support the development of knowledge on corporate responsibility

Processes for reporting human rights violations implemented
Human rights- and environment-related risk analysis implemented
  8.8 Responsible supply chain management/Procurement practices

Group procurement policy includes obligation to assume social and environmental responsibility.

Procedure established for reporting risks and violations. Human rights- and environment-related obligations are part of supplier contracts

The Supplier Code of Conduct was revised in 2023 and now also includes the requirements of the German Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains Act.

Supplier risk management system has been updated

Target oriented portfolio of measures implemented for use in case of identified risks

Expanded information formats enhance the development of knowledge on social and environmental responsibility
Employee concerns/
Attractiveness as an employer
Unrestricted freedom of association is an established feature of the Lufthansa Group.

Labour union partners are firmly established at the Lufthansa Group:

As of 31 December 2023, of the 63,176 Lufthansa Group employees in Germany, 76% were covered directly by collective bargaining arrangements.

The remaining 24% are largely managers and non-payscale employees in senior positions. However, many of the arrangements for these non-payscale employees are also based on the collective bargaining agreements. In the Europe region, 98% of employees at Austrian Airlines and 87% of those at SWISS have an employment contract covered by collective agreements.

Employee concerns/
Health and safety at work
See SDGs 3.3, 3.4 and 3.8
9.4 Environmental concerns/Climate
protection/Research and innovation

Fleet renewal is continuously driven forward:

The Lufthansa Group fleet was expanded by 29 new aircraft in 2023, including Airbus A320neos, A321neos, A350-900s and Boeing 787-9s, which are powered by modern engines. For example, the A320neo aircraft is one of the most modern and most environmentally friendly aircraft in the world and is much quieter than comparable aircraft types. Since 2019, the Lufthansa Group has more than doubled the share of latest technology in its fleet to 20% (142 aircraft). A total of 18 older aircraft have been removed from the Group fleet in exchange. In December 2023, a total of 80 additional Boeing 737 MAX and Airbus A220-300 short- and medium-haul aircraft were ordered and 120 purchase options were signed. Together with previous orders, the order book now comprises around 260 latest-generation aircraft.

The Hydrogen Aviation Lab is testing maintenance and ground processes for future aircraft generations with hydrogen as a primary energy source

Fleet renewal is continuously driven forward

The AeroSHARK surface coating developed jointly by Lufthansa Technik and BASF, which is named after the microscopic ribbing modelled on shark skin, reduces aircraft air resistance. At the end of 2023, the Lufthansa Group had a total of 15 Boeing 777s fitted with AeroSHARK in service, including 11 Boeing 777-300ERs at SWISS and 4 Boeing 777Fs at Lufthansa Cargo. Following the modification of all Group aircraft of these two types, cumulative savings in excess of 8,000 tonnes of fuel and more than 25,000 tonnes of CO2 per year are expected in the future.

  9.5 Environmental concerns/Climate protection/Research and innovation

Flight operations management optimised thanks to artificial intelligence:

Together with Google Cloud, the Lufthansa Group has developed the Operations Decision Support Suite (OPSD) management tool. This in turn can help to avoid carbon emissions, for instance by ensuring that the aircraft with the optimum fuel-saving profile is selected for a specific route or that seat occupancy is optimised. It was introduced in 2023 at SWISS, as the first airline in the Lufthansa Group.

More efficient concepts for departure and approach are being implemented and progress made with the digitalisation of approach technologies:

Modern, satellite-based Required Navigation Performance (RNP) technology plays an important role in the introduction of new flight procedures at European airports. With this technology, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has set minimum standards for the navigation performance required of an aircraft. A shorter RNP departure route newly introduced at Stuttgart Airport in 2023 is used by Eurowings aircraft, saving around 26 tonnes of fuel and thus 81 tonnes of CO2 in 2023. Austrian Airlines also uses the fuel-saving RNP approach procedure at Vienna Airport. This procedure also affects noise emissions.

The Lufthansa Group has been involved in various research projects examining the atmosphere and the climate since 1994. As part of the European research infrastructure I-AGOS (In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System), the Lufthansa Group works closely with its research partners from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Jülich Research Centre to equip selected passenger aircraft with measuring instruments that collect data about the condition of the atmosphere on scheduled flights. This data is freely accessible and is used by around 300 organisations worldwide. It helps scientists to acquire new knowledge about climate change and the atmosphere and to detect long-term changes. Since 2021, Lufthansa Airlines’ Airbus A350 “Erfurt” has been undergoing conversion for use as the new platform for the IAGOS-CARIBIC (Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container) measurement system. The second key project milestone was achieved in 2023. The newly developed measurement probe system was installed in an aircraft for the first time in order to complete a flight programme agreed with the certification authority. As a final step, the new measuring equipment container is to be developed and approved for use by external research partners of the Lufthansa Group. A maiden flight with the overall system is due to take place at the end of 2024.

The Lufthansa Group is examining measures to reduce its overall climate impact:

At Germany’s National Aviation Conference in September 2023, the German airlines announced test flights aimed at avoiding contrails which impact the climate. Lufthansa Airlines will take part in these flights as part of the D-KULT research project, which has been under way since 2022. SWISS is participating in the three-year CICONIA project, which is funded by the EU. Since mid-2023, this project has been looking into what are known as non-CO₂ effects, such as contrails, and how to reduce them. The data sources and IT applications required for climate-optimised flight planning, as well as the related processes for cooperation between the meteorological service, the scientific community and airlines, are being developed and tested in the projects D-KULT and CICONIA, which are coordinated with each other. Since the end of 2023, within the scope of an as yet undefined regulatory framework for non-CO2 climate impacts such as those related to contrails, the Lufthansa Group has provided its expertise and information to support the German Aerospace with the development of a reporting and review system required by the European Commission.

  9.4/9.5 Environmental concerns/Active noise abatement/Research and innovation Since 2001, the Lufthansa Group has played an active and continuous role in research projects and implements noise reduction measures which are coordinated with relevant stakeholders.
Investment in modern and quieter aircraft: the Lufthansa Group updates its fleet continuously. Aircraft that went into service in 2023, including Airbus A320neos, A321neos, A350-900s, Boeing 787-9s and Boeing 777Fs, have modern engines and are much quieter than comparable older aircraft types.
Noise-reducing technologies are being deployed for the existing fleet.
Optimised flight procedures and flight routes are being developed in cooperation with system partners.
99.6% of the operational Group fleet meets the standard for aircraft noise (10-decibel criterion of the ICAO Chapter 4 standard).
10.2 Employee concerns/Diversity and equal opportunities

New projects and initiatives are aimed at increasing the proportion of women with management responsibility:

Within the Executive Board project Female Leadership Boost launched in 2021, the Lufthansa Group has set itself the task of establishing the topic of gender diversity in its leadership culture on a lasting basis. The project comprises a broad portfolio of individual development measures for talented women, in addition to a fixed percentage of women on shortlists for management positions, including special programmes for junior managers and networks for them to share their experiences. In November 2023, the eight-month programme NextUp Women was introduced to help women take their next career step towards a management position and provide assistance through a series of modules building upon one another, in which they explore topics such as leadership and carry out a strengths and weaknesses analysis.

The proportion of women at management levels increased slightly in 2023. Overall, the proportion of women in management roles in the Lufthansa Group at the end of 2023 was 22.3%, compared with 20.4% in the previous year. In line with the German Act on Equal Participation of Men and Women in Executive Positions in the Public and Private Sectors (FüPoG), women accounted for 9.7% of positions at the first management level and 17.8% at the second management level at Deutsche Lufthansa AG on 31 December 2023. By comparison, they represented 9.4% at the first management level and 15.4% at the second management level at the end of 2022.
Event provides information on digital accessibility and supports greater awareness of inclusion. All employees of the Lufthansa Group were invited to attend either in person or virtually, with around 600 taking up this invitation.
Focus on diversity as a culture-promoting measure: In 2023, the Lufthansa Group launched a cultural programme, Lufthansa Group Cultural Journey powered by Diversity. This is intended to help strengthen the cultural coherence of the individual airlines, businesses and segments. To facilitate communication for both German-speaking and non-German-speaking employees, the Lufthansa Group has been offering the opportunity to learn twelve languages via a digital learning platform since 2023. In addition, all job descriptions and contracts have also been published or made available in English since 2023. To make further progress in internationalising the Group, target ratios have been specified for its talent and trainee programmes to ensure a certain proportion of participants from countries outside the Group’s home markets. The targets of 30% for trainee programmes and 10% for internal talent programmes were already achieved in 2023. The Globalists talent programme introduced in 2023 is designed to identify foreign above-average performers interested in a rotation to the Group’s home markets (DACHB). In the reporting year alone, this programme enabled 72 global talented individuals to forge ahead in their careers.
The Lufthansa Group demonstrates its commitment to openness, tolerance and diversity. With its marketing campaign “The World Says Yes To You”, which ran in 2023 on posters in major German cities, in magazines and daily newspapers and on social media, Lufthansa Airlines positioned itself as a reliable partner for the LGBTQ community and underlined its commitment to openness, tolerance and diversity. The “Lovehansa” special livery for the Airbus A320neo with the tail number D-AINY from 2022 was originally intended to be displayed for six months. This time limit has been lifted and the livery is now a permanent addition to the Lufthansa Airlines fleet.

People from a total of 162 countries worked in the Lufthansa Group in 2023.

12.2 Environmental concerns/Climate
protection/Energy and fuel efficiency
Fuel efficiency (see SDG 13.1)
Environmental concerns/
Climate protection
Intermodal transport to Lufthansa Group hubs being expanded: In 2023, the frequency of the partner service with Austrian Federal Railways between Vienna and Salzburg was stepped up. This made up for the fact that the flight covering the same route was not re-introduced following the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, two new destinations were added to the partnership with Deutsche Bahn: Augsburg and Siegburg/Bonn.
12.4 Environmental concerns/
Waste management
Conceptual framework defined for all passenger airlines to systematically reduce waste on board and promote the circular economy
Lufthansa Cargo and Lufthansa Technik focus on conserving resources and the circular economy
12.5 Environmental concerns/
Waste management
Passenger airlines are reducing in-flight waste in all categories
Lufthansa Cargo is organising waste separation with its service providers
New Lufthansa Technik waste collection centre optimises waste management
12.6 Responsible supply chain management/Procurement practices Sustainability in the supply chain is firmly established at the company.
The Lufthansa Group’s expectations of its suppliers in terms of social, environmental and ethical responsibility are summarised in the Supplier Code of Conduct, which is accessible on the Lufthansa Group website.
The supplier risk management system also takes into consideration requirements under the German Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains Act (LkSG)
About this combined non-financial
Reporting by the Lufthansa Group, see SDG 16.10
  12.8 Customer concerns/Product and services In designing its range of products and services, the Lufthansa Group has also taken sustainability issues into account to meet the growing demand for more sustainable products. This includes offers designed to compensate or reduce the carbon emissions caused by flights, waste avoidance and a continuously expanding selection of intermodal travel options.
An expanded offer of more sustainable products
13.1 Environmental concerns/
Climate protection
Emission reduction targets are part of Executive Board remuneration.
Lufthansa Group also defines its own expanded emission reduction targets. As befits its pioneering role in climate protection, the Lufthansa Group has defined its own carbon reduction targets which demonstrate an extra level of ambition. The Lufthansa Group’s carbon emissions reduction target was successfully validated by the SBTi in the summer of 2022. The SBTi, a joint initiative of CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), develops sector-specific criteria for climate protection, applies these criteria to participating companies and validates the corresponding corporate targets. With its SBTi validation, the Lufthansa Group became the first airline group in Europe with a scientifically profound CO₂ reduction target in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement of 2015. Lufthansa Group is among the first three airlines worldwide to have their reduction targets validated by the SBTi Specifically and in accordance with the SBTi guidance, the Lufthansa Group has committed to reducing its carbon intesity, i.e. its carbon emissions per transported tonne-kilometre (passenger and cargo), by 30.6% in the period from 2019 to 2030. This target may only be achieved by reducing fuel consumption or by substituting fossil fuel with SAF. Over and above the reduction required by the SBTi targets, the Group aims to achieve its self-imposed target of cutting net carbon emissions in half by 2030 compared to 2019 by means of voluntary offsets. The Lufthansa Group aims to be carbon neutral in 2050.

Specific CO2 emissions per passenger-kilometre drop to new best value for the Lufthansa Group

The absolute CO₂ emissions resulting from the combustion of kerosene by Lufthansa Group aircraft in 2023 increased by 16% to 26.8 million tonnes (previous year: 23.1 million tonnes) due to the rise in demand and the expanded flight capacity. CO₂ emissions per transported tonne-kilometre declined by 2.8 grammes to 833.9 grammes (previous year: 836.7 grammes). Specific CO₂ emissions per passenger-kilometre were 1.8% lower than in the previous year at 88.4 grammes (previous year: 90.0 grammes). No distinction is made in these disclosures between fossil and biogenic CO2 emissions.

The Lufthansa Group improved its performance by 2.7% in 2023 compared with 2019 in terms of the core KPI of the Science-based Targets Initiative (measured in grammes of CO2 per revenue tonne-kilometre). The reduction in specific emissions in the Group fleet compared with the previous year was mainly due to an increase in the passenger load factor, changesin the route network, that resulted in a structural increase in average flight length. Longer routes typically create lower specific emissions because the emissions from take-offs and landings, which are higher than in-flight emissions, become less significant in overall terms as the flight distance increases. Despite this, the efficiency improvement was below expectations. Longer flight routes (detours) because of airspace closures due to armed conflicts resulted in higher fuel consumption, whereas tonne-kilometres are still measured by the great-circle distance and not the kilometres actually flown.

The Lufthansa Group aims to switch to carbon-neutral mobility on the ground in its home markets by 2030.
Sustainable aviation fuels to be used more widely (see SDG 7.2).
Further progress with fleet renewal (see SDG 9.4).
Technical measures being developed for the existing fleet (see SDG 9.4).
Flight operations management optimised thanks to artificial intelligence (see SDG 9.5)
67 fuel-saving projects pursued in 2023 to significantly reduce carbon emissions. Another 25,100 tonnes of carbon emissions were thus permanently eliminated in the reporting year. The quantity of kerosene saved amounted to around 8,000 tonnes – this is equivalent to approximately 97 return flights between Munich and New York with an Airbus A350-900 aircraft.
More efficient concepts for departure and approach are being implemented and progress made with the digitalisation of approach technologies (see SDG 9.5).
Progress made in the OPS Sustainability Program contributes to carbon reduction targets
More sustainable flight offerings for customers are being expanded
Mandatory offsets of carbon emissions (ICAO/CORSIA, EU ETS, CH EHS, UK ETS).
The Lufthansa Group voluntarily compensates the carbon emissions from its own duty trips. In 2023, 74,545 tonnes of CO₂ were compensated through the climate protection organisations myclimate, Climate Partner, Squake and Climate Austria.
  13.1 Environmental concerns/
Climate protection
The Lufthansa Group aims to achieve carbon-neutral mobility in its ground processes by 2030 with electromobility or the use of other emission-free vehicles. For this purpose, the smaller locations of Berlin, Dusseldorf, Cologne and Stuttgart were included alongside the Group’s major sites in 2023. A total of 26 electric apron vehicles were purchased for these smaller locations. This brings the total number of electric vehicles at these locations to 46 in 2023, which is equivalent to around 4% of these locations’ total operational vehicle fleet. In 2023, the number of all-electric company cars in the Lufthansa Group’s fleet rose from 374 vehicles in the previous year (of which 255 in Germany) to 554. They thus account for a share of 36%.
Employee concerns/
Attractiveness as an employer
The Lufthansa Group has expanded its company car electromobility offering for employees by providing financial support for electric vehicles. More than 50% of newly ordered company cars were fully electric in the reporting year thanks to this measure. In addition, 104 charging stations for electric vehicles were installed in the employee car park at the Lufthansa Aviation Center in Frankfurt in 2023. Overall, there are 212 such charging stations in Germany. As well as the contribution to the “job ticket” for use of public transport, which the Group’s employees have been offered for many years now, the Lufthansa Group has been enabling its employees in Germany to lease bicycles again since 2023. Around 60,000 employees are thus able to lease a bicycle on favourable conditions and around 4,000 lease agreements were concluded in 2023.
  13.2 Environmental concerns/
Climate protection
Single European airspace is intended to reduce emissions.
  13.3 About this combined non-financial
Corporate responsibility is firmly established in the organisational structure: the highest monitoring body in the area of sustainable management is the Supervisory Board. Effective 1 January 2023, the Supervisory Board established an ESG Committee to advise the Supervisory Board, its committees and the Executive Board on environmental, social, and good governance issues that are essential to the sustainable economic development of the Company.
The ESG strategy is reviewed annually and discussed with the Executive Board as part of the Strategic Roadmap Discussions. In 2023, the focus was on the Lufthansa Group’s carbon transition pathway and supporting measures, such as its Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) strategy and in-flight and ground-based efficiency measures. In addition, aspects of the more stringent reporting requirements from the 2024 financial year onwards resulting from the required implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and their significance for the Lufthansa Group were presented.
External ratings: Lufthansa Group’s sustainability management is rated positively, above the industry average.
Environmental concerns/
Climate protection
A Strategic Roadmap Discussion (SRD) was held in the reporting year to discuss sustainability aspects impacting the environment in greater detail. SRD is an established format in which relevant strategic topics are discussed with the Executive Board of the Lufthansa Group. The focus was on the field of action “Low emissions in flight operations”, including the Lufthansa Group’s Sustainable Aviation Fuel strategy (SAF strategy), as well as the ESG risk landscape and the more stringent reporting requirements applicable from the 2024 financial year onwards as a result of the implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) for the Lufthansa Group.
Numerous measures and transparent communication support the implementation of the environmental strategy. Determination of the Lufthansa Group’s total carbon footprint, with annual audits by external experts. The total carbon footprint which is determined annually and audited by external experts as well as measures to reduce the consumption of resources and carbon emissions are provided in detail and in a transparent manner to the global non-profit organisation CDP, among other entities. As a supportive part of the environmental strategy the Lufthansa Group persues communicative approaches of communication activities. The communication campaign. The communication campaign “#MakeChangeFly” is supplemented by an information campaign on the Lufthansa Group’s websites and by various events intended to raise awareness among partners, customers and the general public, both nationally and internationally. On social media channels, the hashtag #MakeChangeFly is likewise used to refer to the development of relevant sustainability activities. Under this slogan, the Lufthansa Group also continuously keeps its employees informed of the Group’s sustainability activities via its internal communication channels.
  13.1 – 13.3 Environmental concerns/
Climate protection
The Lufthansa Group supports the climate protection targets of the aviation sector.
Intermodal transport to Lufthansa Group hubs being expanded. In 2023, the frequency of the partner service with Austrian Federal Railways between Vienna and Salzburg was stepped up. This made up for the fact that the flight covering the same route was not re-introduced following the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, two new destinations were added to the partnership with Deutsche Bahn: Augsburg and Siegburg/Bonn.
EU Taxonomy Applicability and disclosures required by the EU Taxonomy Regulation (EU) 2020/852
16.5 Business ethics and compliance/
Compliance management and fighting corruption and bribery
Code of Conduct provides framework for acting with integrity and responsibility and is available on the Lufthansa Group website.
Fighting corruption and bribery is an integral part of the Compliance Management System. The Compliance Management System follows the auditing standard of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW PS 980) and is based on the following pillars: compliance culture, compliance targets, identification of compliance risks, compliance programme, compliance organisation, compliance communication and compliance monitoring.
Web-based compliance training increases risk awareness.
Overall in 2023, a total of 39,824 employees in 168 Group companies took part in web-based compliance training. This corresponds to a participation ratio of 97.9%.
Risk-based business partner due diligence aims to ensure integrity of suppliers and service providers
  16.10 About this combined non-financial
For the 2023 financial year, Deutsche Lufthansa AG has published a combined non-financial declaration in accordance with Sections 315b and 315c of the German Commercial Code (HGB) in conjunction with Sections 289b to 289e HGB.
The results of the materiality analysis were noted and approved by the management in the reporting year. They form the basis for selecting the aspects and issues described in this combined non-financial declaration.
The Lufthansa Group reports in accordance with the compulsory EU Taxonomy Regulation and voluntarily in accordance with TCFD, SASB and with reference to the GRI Standards.
Business ethics and compliance/
Compliance management and fighting corruption and bribery
Whistle-blower channels make it possible to report compliance violations
The Lufthansa Group received a total of 81 reports of possible irregularities in the reporting year via its various channels. Of these, 24 were compliance-related. Seven reports were investigated in detail via the described procedure.
Business ethics and compliance/
Responsible political engagement
The Lufthansa Group attaches great importance to transparency in its political engagement and is listed in the EU Transparency Register under the number 0714344663-32. Moreover, the Company features in the lobbying register of the German Bundestag (lower house of parliament) under the registration number R001474. The Lufthansa Group regularly publishes its position on current political issues and upcoming decisions in its Policy Brief (which is addressed to political decision makers but also accessible to the general public). In 2023, explanations were provided on topics relating to the harmonisation of the European airspace (the “Single European Sky”), the new Lufthansa Group fares for more sustainable flying and the prerequisites for the potential expansion of SAF via a book and claim system.
Customer concerns/Data protection and security The Lufthansa Group has a data protection management system in place in its Group companies that meets the requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR). The Group has established an organisational structure for data protection that is dedicated to ensuring compliance with the rights of data subjects and the duties of controllers. This entailed creating easily reachable points of contact, both internally and externally, and establishing processes to fulfil information requests by data subjects within the required period, for example. Current information about the processing of personal data is also provided on the Group companies’ websites. Awareness of this subject is regularly promoted among the employees of the Lufthansa Group through mandatory web-based data protection and data security training. Another goal is to ensure the comprehensive prevention of cyber risks, which have gained in importance due to the increasing digitalisation of business processes.
17.16 About this combined non-financial declaration Since 2002, the Lufthansa Group has applied the principles of the UN Global Compact for sustainable and responsible corporate governance. In addition, it supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Agenda 2030, as adopted by the UN member states in 2015.
Environmental concerns

Active involvement in national and international associations and sustainability initiatives:

Relevant issues include climate protection, noise abatement, circular economy and human rights. The Lufthansa Group is an active member of associations such as the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Airlines for Europe (A4E), the German Aviation Association (BDL), the Federation of German Industries (BDI), the German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI, represented by Lufthansa Technik AG), the German Equities Institute (DAI) and econsense, the Forum for Sustainable Development of German Business. Via these associations the Lufthansa Group also has direct contact with national ministries and EU. In addition, SWISS is a member of the Umbrella Federation of Swiss Aerospace (Aerosuisse) and swisscleantech, the Swiss umbrella organisation for climate-aware businesses. Austrian Airlines is a member of the umbrella association Aviation Industry Austria, which was founded in 2022 when the Austrian Aviation Association (ÖLFV) merged with the Austrian Aeronautics Industries Group (AAIG).

Other partnerships and cooperation agreements (see SDGs 9.4, 9.5 and 13.1 – 13.3)

Lufthansa Group Annual Report 2023