Changes in business and organisation

The Lufthansa Group regularly reviews its organisational structure and adapts it to any changes in the business environment. Opportunities to increase efficiency are seized in all of the Lufthansa Group’s segments and are reflected in the planning.

The Supervisory Board of Deutsche Lufthansa AG voted to carry out a wide-ranging reorganisation of the Executive Board at its meeting on 22 February 2024. The Executive Board is to be reduced from six to five members and responsibilities redistributed. ↗ Events after the reporting date

The focus in the 2024 financial year will remain on optimisation of the functional process organisation (matrix organisation). Decisions are to be taken faster, processes sped up and collaboration simplified. The clear and transparent allocation of responsibility across all Group Functions, business units and shared service centres will help to achieve this aim. In addition, the organisation’s effectiveness and responsiveness are to be strengthened by means of a stronger focus on projects and cross-functional, agile working methods.

As part of its portfolio management, the Group regularly reviews its non-airline activities for synergies with its core business and long-term growth prospects.
Following the sale of the LSG Group in 2023, the intention in 2024 is to complete the sale of AirPlus that was agreed in 2023. The transaction is expected to close in summer 2024.

Furthermore, the Lufthansa Group and Italy’s Ministry of Economy and Finance reached an agreement in May 2023 on the acquisition of a non-controlling interest in the country’s national airline ITA Airways. The Lufthansa Group is in close contact with the relevant authorities in order to obtain approval for the transaction as soon as possible and take over joint operational responsibility for ITA Airways.

Lufthansa Group Annual Report 2023