Credits, Contact, Financial calendar

Published by

Deutsche Lufthansa AG
Venloer Str. 151–153
50672 Cologne, Germany
Entered in the Commercial Register of Cologne District Court under HRB 2168

Editorial staff

Dennis Weber (Editor)
Patrick Winter
Malte Happel

Concept and design

RYZE Digital GmbH

Dennis Weber

+49 69 696 – 28008

Deutsche Lufthansa AG
Investor Relations
LAC, Airportring
60546 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: + 49 69 696–28008
The latest financial information is available online:

Financial calendar 2024
30 April

Release of 1st Interim Report - January–March 2024

7 May

Annual General Meeting 2024 (virtual)

31 July

Release of 2nd Interim Report - January–June 2024

29 October

Release of 3rd Interim Report - January–September 2024

Disclaimer in respect of forward-looking statements

Information published in the Annual Report 2023 with regard to the future development of the Lufthansa Group and its subsidiaries consists purely of forecasts and assessments and not of definitive facts. Its purpose is exclusively informational, and can be identified by the use of such cautionary terms as “believe”, “expect”, “forecast”, “intend”, “project”, “plan”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “can”, “could”, “should” or “endeavour”. These forward-looking statements are based on discernible information, facts and expectations available at the time that the statements were made. They are therefore subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and factors, including, but not limited to, those described in disclosures, in particular in the opportunities and risk report in the Annual Report. Should one or more of these risks occur, or should the underlying expectations or assumptions fail to materialise, this could have a significant effect (either positive or negative) on the actual results.
It is possible that the Group’s actual results and development may differ materially from the results forecast in the forward-looking statements. Lufthansa does not assume any obligation, nor does it intend, to adapt forward-looking statements to accommodate events or developments that may occur at some later date. Accordingly, it neither expressly nor implicitly accepts liability, nor gives any guarantee, for the up-to-dateness, accuracy and completeness of this data and information.


In this Annual Report, the terms “Lufthansa Group” and “Group” are used synonymously.
Unless stated otherwise, all change figures refer to the corresponding period from the previous year. Due to rounding, some of the figures may not add up precisely to the stated totals, and percentages may not precisely reflect the absolute figures to which they refer.

Lufthansa Group Annual Report 2023