Employee concerns

Employees are one of the key factors driving the Lufthansa Group’s success. Employee concerns are therefore a focus of the Lufthansa Group’s human resources strategy.

The Lufthansa Group positions itself as an attractive and modern employer in order to strengthen the loyalty of existing employees, and also to attract talents from outside the Company to help meet the high level of demand.

Changes within the aviation sector and the structural transformation of today’s working world have a direct impact on the employees of the Lufthansa Group. It is therefore necessary to keep continuously developing employees’ skills and knowledge in order to remain economically successful. The Lufthansa Group makes use of extensive training and continuing education opportunities in this regard.

Moreover, occupational health and safety are core areas of action for the Lufthansa Group. The Lufthansa Group uses preventive measures and takes a holistic approach to maintaining its employees’ constant, long-term ability to work.

In addition, the Lufthansa Group promotes the strengthening of diversity and equal opportunities in order to further encourage creativity, flexibility and the ability to innovate and minimise legal liability risks. Various initiatives, such as increasing the proportion of women in management positions and the long-established organisational integration of the equal opportunities commissioner, are intended to promote gender equality and to position the Company as an employer with integrity and responsibility.

Organisational foundations and responsibilities

Employee concerns are bundled in the various specialist departments within the Executive Board areas of Human Resources & Infrastructure and Brand & Sustainability. Close cooperation among all departments enables the development of sustainable measures to improve action relating to employee concerns. At the same time, the Executive Board member for Human Resources & Infrastructure uses the HR Committee, which comprises the area’s top executives and the labour directors of the largest companies in the Lufthansa Group to ensure that the measures developed are implemented in all departments and within the subsidiaries. The implementation of the measures can be continuously monitored through direct reporting channels within the Executive Board function.

Lufthansa Group Annual Report 2023