Remuneration of Supervisory Board members

Structure of Supervisory Board remuneration

The rules for the remuneration of Supervisory Board members applicable since 1 January 2023 are based on a resolution passed by the Annual General Meeting on 9 May 2023. The remuneration continues to be structured as a purely fixed remuneration. Supervisory Board remuneration reflects the responsibility assumed by the members of the Supervisory Board and the scope of their work. Additional remuneration is an appropriate reflection of the higher time commitment on the part of the Chair and the Deputy Chair of the Supervisory Board, and by the members and Chairs of the committees.

Section 113 Paragraph 3 AktG stipulates that the Annual General Meeting of a listed company must pass a resolution on Supervisory Board remuneration at least every four years. On 9 May 2023, the Annual General Meeting approved the changes to the remuneration of Supervisory Board members in line with Article 14 of the revised Articles of Association with 98.27% of the votes, thereby approving and confirming the underlying remuneration system.

Ordinary Supervisory Board members receive remuneration of EUR 100k for each financial year in accordance with Section 14 Paragraph 1 of the Articles of Association. The Chairman receives EUR 300k and the Deputy Chairman EUR 150k. The Chair of the Audit Committee and the Chair of the Steering Committee receive an additional EUR 100k each; other members of the Audit Committee receive an additional EUR 50k. Chairs of other committees receive an additional EUR 50k while other members of other committees receive an additional EUR 25k. Remuneration for committee work is subject to the proviso that the committee must have convened at least once in the financial year. The additional remuneration for committee work is limited to two committee payments, whereby in this case the two highest committee payments are taken.

If Supervisory Board members step down from the Supervisory Board or a position on one of its committees for which additional remuneration is paid during the course of a financial year, they shall receive remuneration pro rata temporis. Pro rata temporis remuneration for committee work is subject to the proviso that the committee must have convened at least once before their departure.

Fixed remuneration and remuneration for committee work are due at the end of each financial year. Supervisory Board remuneration for the 2024 financial year was paid in January 2025.

Remuneration awarded and owed in financial year 2024 pursuant to Section 162 AktG

The remuneration awarded and due to Supervisory Board members for the 2024 financial year (fixed remuneration, remuneration for committee work and attendance fees) amounted to EUR 2,975k (previous year: EUR 2,965k).

Table T220 shows the amounts for the individual Supervisory Board members. The fixed remuneration and the remuneration for committee work is the remuneration owed for the financial year in question, since this remuneration falls due at the close of that financial year.

2024¹) 2023²)
Fixed remuneration Remuneration for
committee work
Supervisory Board
Fixed remuneration Remuneration for committee work Total Supervisory Board remuneration
in € thousands in % in € thousands in % in € thousands in € thousands in % in € thousands in % in € thousands
Karl-Ludwig Kley 300 80.0 75 20.0 375 300 80.0 75 20.0 375
Christine Behle 150 85.7 25 14.3 175 150 86.2 24 13.8 174
Alexander Behrens (until 28.7.2023) 57 67.1 28 32.9 85
Tim Busse (since 29.7.2023) 100 100.0 100 43 100.0 43
Jörg Cebulla (until 28.7.2023) 57 67.1 28 32.9 85
Erich Clementi 100 66.7 50 33.3 150 100 66.7 50 33.3 150
Thomas Enders 100 57.1 75 42.9 175 100 57.1 75 42.9 175
Karl Gernandt (since 9.5.2023) 100 75.2 33 24.8 133 65 100.0 65
Sara Grubisic (since 29.7.2023) 100 80.0 25 20.0 125 43 81.1 10 18.9 53
Sara Hennicken (since 7.5.2024) 65 100.0 65
Christian Hirsch (since 29.7.2023) 100 66.7 50 33.3 150 43 68.3 20 31.7 63
Jamila Jadran (since 29.7.2023) 100 100.0 100 43 100.0 43
Jürgen Jennerke (until 28.7.2023) 57 100.0 57
Arne Christian Karstens (since 29.7.2023) 100 66.7 50 33.3 150 43 68.3 20 31.7 63
Michael Kerkloh (until 7.5.2024) 35 67.3 17 32.7 52 100 66.7 50 33.3 150
Carsten Knobel 100 66.7 50 33.3 150 100 66.7 50 33.3 150
Holger Benjamin Koch 100 66.7 50 33.3 150 100 74.6 34 25.4 134
Harald Krüger 100 44.4 125 55.6 225 100 44.4 125 55.6 225
Marvin Reschinsky (since 29.7.2023) 100 80.0 25 20.0 125 43 81.1 10 18.9 53
Birgit Rohleder 100 100.0 100 100 100.0 100
Miriam Sapiro (until 9.5.2023) 35 100.0 35
Ilja Schulz (until 28.7.2023) 57 57.0 43 43.0 100
Britta Seeger 100 100.0 100 100 100.0 100
Birgit Spineux (until 28.7.2023) 57 100.0 57
Astrid Stange 100 100.0 100 100 100.0 100
Olivia Stelz (until 28.7.2023) 57 100.0 57
Angela Titzrath 100 80.0 25 20.0 125 100 80.0 25 20.0 125
Klaus Winkler 100 66.7 50 33.3 150 100 67.6 48 32.4 148
Total 2,250 75.6 725 24.4 2,975 2,250 75.9 715 24.1 2,965
1) Remuneration for 2024 financial year due according to Section 162 AktG, paid in January 2025.
2) Remuneration for 2023 financial year due according to Section 162 AktG, paid in January 2024.

The contributions made for the insurance premium for the members of the Supervisory Board within the scope of Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s group accident insurance policy totalled EUR 2.6k (previous year: EUR 2k). Furthermore, the Supervisory Board members of Deutsche Lufthansa AG were paid EUR 13k in the previous year for their work on supervisory boards of Group companies; no such payments were made in the current financial year.

Disclosures on relative changes in Executive Board and Supervisory Board remuneration, remuneration of the rest of the workforce and Company profitability

Table T221 shows the annual change in remuneration for members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board, the average remuneration of the remaining workforce and the annual change in this remuneration, as well as year-on-year changes in selected earnings indicators for the Lufthansa Group. The remuneration of Executive Board members and Supervisory Board members shown in Tables T218 and T220 represents the remuneration awarded and due in the financial year as stipulated in Section 162 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 AktG.

Profitability is partly shown by reference to revenue and Adjusted EBIT for the Lufthansa Group. The latter is a key performance indicator for the Group and forms the basis for the financial targets in the variable remuneration of the Executive Board. The net profit for the year for Deutsche Lufthansa AG is also shown.

The presentation of average remuneration for FTE employees is based on the employees of the German companies in the Lufthansa collective bargaining group (without Lufthansa CityLine GmbH). A further distinction is made between the total workforce and those covered by collective bargaining agreements. The change in remuneration compared with financial year 2023 reflects the lower share of variable remuneration components in 2024 due to the earnings performance.

2020 2021 Change
2022 Change
2023 Change
2024 Change
I. Executive Board remuneration in € thousands
Active Executive Board members2)
Carsten Spohr 2,888 1,676 -42.0% 4,241 153.0% 4,577 7.9% 5,232 14.3%
Christina Foerster (until 30.6.2024) 775 904 16.6% 1,929 113.4% 2,119 9.8% 7,306 244.8%
Harry Hohmeister (until 30.6.2024) 1,700 901 -47.0% 2,276 152.6% 2,127 -6.5% 2,354 10.7%
Detlef Kayser (until 30.6.2024) 780 893 14.5% 2,032 127.5% 2,117 4.2% 3,440 62.5%
Michael Niggemann 775 902 16.4% 2,039 126.1% 2,118 3.9% 2,615 23.5%
Remco Steenbergen (until 30.6.2024) 1,898 3,096 63.1% 3,523 13.8% 901 -74.4%
Former Executive Board members3)
Karl Ulrich Garnadt (until 30.4.2017) 1 130 12900.0% 118 -9.2% 131 11.0%
Ulrik Svensson (until 30.4.2020) 639 -100.0% 2,158 57 -97.4% 1 -98.2%
Bettina Volkens (until 31.12.2019) 914 -100.0% 144 3,493 2325.7% 3 -99.9%
II. Average remuneration for workforce in €
Overall workforce in Germany 59,814 59,117 -1.2% 79,780 35.0% 86,535 8.5% 85,919 -0.7%
Pay-scale staff in Germany 55,939 55,237 -1.3% 72,350 31.0% 78,505 8.5% 82,275 4.8%
III. Earnings indicators in €m
Net profit/loss for the year Deutsche Lufthansa AG -780 -2,310 -196.2% -2,664 -15.3% 6,765 353.9% 372 -94.5%
Adjusted EBIT -5,451 -1,666 69.4% 1,509 190.6% 2,682 77.7% 1,645 -38.7%
Revenue 13,589 16,811 23.7% 32,770 94.9% 35,422 8.1% 37,581 6.1%
1) Figures for Executive Board and Supervisory Board members and the workforce are based on remuneration awarded and due in financial year 2024 within the meaning of Section 162 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 AktG.
2) Disclosures exclude Till Streichert, Grazia Vittadini and Dieter Vranckx as they have only been on the Executive Board since financial year 2024 and so did not receive Executive Board remuneration in prior years.
3) Without the disclosure on the payment of retirement benefits to Harry Hohmeister on his retirement in financial year 2024.
2020 2021 Change
2022 Change
2023 Change
2024 Change
IV. Supervisory Board remuneration4)5) in € thousands
Karl-Ludwig Kley 265 302 13.8% 305 1.2% 375 23.0% 375 0.0%
Christine Behle 124 141 13.7% 143 1.1% 174 22.1% 175 0.6%
Tim Busse (since 29.7.2023) 43 100 132.6%
Erich Clementi (since 5.5.2020) 45 81 80.0% 82 1.2% 150 82.9% 150 0.0%
Thomas Enders (since 5.5.2020) 57 121 112.3% 124 2.5% 175 41.1% 175 0.0%
Karl Gernandt (since 9.5.2023) 65 133 104.6%
Sara Grubisic (since 29.7.2023) 53 125 135.8%
Christian Hirsch (8.5.2018 to 31.12.2020 and since 29.7.2023) 70 63 150 138.1%
Jamila Jadran (since 29.7.2023) 43 100 132.6%
Arne Christian Karstens (since 29.7.2023) 63 150 138.1%
Michael Kerkloh (from 2.9.2020 until 7.5.2024) 33 112 237.9% 114 2.2% 150 31.6% 52 -65.3%
Carsten Knobel 97 111 14.4% 112 0.9% 150 33.9% 150 0.0%
Holger Benjamin Koch 71 81 14.1% 82 0.6% 134 64.4% 150 11.9%
Harald Krüger (since 5.5.2020) 46 142 209.1% 165 16.0% 225 36.4% 225 0.0%
Marvin Reschinsky (since 29.7.2023) 53 125 135.8%
Birgit Rohleder 71 81 14.1% 83 1.9% 100 21.2% 100 0.0%
Britta Seeger (since 4.5.2021) 54 81 49.3% 100 24.2% 100 0.0%
Astrid Stange (since 5.5.2020) 45 81 80.0% 82 1.2% 100 22.0% 100 0.0%
Angela Titzrath (since 2.9.2020) 25 81 222.0% 82 1.2% 125 53.4% 125 0.0%
Klaus Winkler 70 113 60.7% 115 1.8% 148 29.3% 150 1.4%
4) Up to and including the 2022 financial year, in addition to fixed remuneration for membership of the Supervisory Board and its committees, the Supervisory Board’s remuneration includes attendance fees paid for personal attendance at physical meetings up to this date.
5) Disclosures exclude Sara Hennicken as she has only been on the Supervisory Board since 2024 and so did not receive any Supervisory Board remuneration in prior years.

For the Supervisory Board For the Executive Board
Dr Karl-Ludwig Kley, Chairman Carsten Spohr, Chairman