Ten-year overview

2024 2023 8) 2022 7) 2021 6) 2020 2019 2018 5) 2017 4) 2016 2015
Income statement Lufthansa Group
Revenue in €m 37,581 35,442 30,895 16,811 13,589 36,424 35,542 35,579 31,660 32,056
Adjusted EBITDA in €m 3,982 4,910 3,719 593 -2,890 4,718 5,016 5,009 3338
Adjusted EBIT in €m 1,645 2,682 1,520 -1,666 -5,451 2,026 2,836 2,969 1,752 1,817
Adjusted EBIT margin % 4.4 7.6 4.9 -9.9 -40.1 5.6 8 8.3 5.5 5.7
EBIT in €m 1,731 2,669 1,419 -2,316 -7,353 1,857 2,974 3,297 2,275 1,676
Profit/loss before income taxes in €m 1,576 2,317 1,249 -2,606 -8,631 1,860 2,784 3,158 2,248 2,026
Income taxes in €m -176 -380 -239 413 1865 -615 -588 -784 -445 -304
Net profit/loss attributable to shareholders of Lufthansa AG in €m 1,380 1,673 791 -2,191 -6,725 1,213 2,163 2,340 1,776 1,698
Main cost items
Staff costs in €m 9,036 8,344 7,277 6,328 6,436 9,121 8,811 8,172 7,354 8,075
Fees and charges in €m 5,020 4,487 3,730 2,155 1,796 4,523 4,457 6,357 5,736 5,651
Fuel in €m 7,785 7,931 7,601 2,409 1,875 6,715 6,087 5,232 4,885 5,784
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment in €m 2,378 2,242 2,245 2,351 4,389 2,776 2,205 2,383 1,769 1,715
Net interest in €m -149 -348 -409 -441 -334 -315 -144 -195 -218 - 170
Balance sheet Lufthansa Group
Asset structure
Non-current assets in €m 30,736 29,348 28,080 29,063 29,444 31,374 27,559 24,749 24,504 23,526
Current assets in €m 16,316 15,973 15,255 13,475 10,040 11,285 10,654 11,029 10,193 8,936
of which liquid assets in €m 8,488 8,265 8,301 7,666 5,460 3,385 3,235 3,948 3,937 3,093
Capital structure
Shareholders’ equity in €m 11,594 9,709 8,474 4,490 1,387 10,256 9,573 9,110 7,149 5,845
of which issued capital in €m 3,068 3,063 3,060 3,060 1,530 1,224 1,217 1,206 1,200 1,189
of which reserves in €m 7,094 4,923 4,554 3,581 6,542 7,710 6,083 5,461 4,084 2,881
Liabilities in €m 35,458 35,612 34,861 38,048 38,097 32,403 28,640 26,668 27,548 26,617
of which pension provisions in €m 2,692 2,895 2,069 6,676 9,531 6,659 5,865 5,116 8,364 6,626
of which borrowing in €m 14,223 13,943 15,151 16,670 15,368 10,030 6,685 6,814 6,575 6,370
Total assets in €m 47,052 45,321 43,335 42,538 39,484 42,659 38,213 35,778 34,697 32,462
Other financial data Lufthansa Group
Capital expenditure in €m 3,819 3,609 2,425 1,356 1,312 3,666 3,805 3,529 2,231 2,568
of which on tangible and intangible assets in €m 3,657 3,544 2,365 1,318 1,249 3,486 3,709 3,338 2,160 2,454
of which on financial investments in €m 162 65 60 38 63 180 96 191 71 114
Cash flow from operating activities in €m 3,892 4,905 5,168 399 -2,328 4,030 4,109 5,368 3,246 3,393
(Adjusted) Free cash flow  1) in €m 840 1,846 2,526 -1,049 -3,669 203 288 2,117 1,138 834
gross in €m -14,232 -13,947 15,172 16,689 15,382 10,047 6,724 6,832 6,638 6,440
Net in €m 5,744 5,682 6,871 9,023 9,922 6,662 3,489 2,884 2,701 3,347
Lufthansa share
Share price2) 6.18 8.05 7.77 6.18 7.72 11.71 14.06 21.92 8.76 10.39
Dividends proposed/paid in €m 359 359 380 377 234 232
Dividend per share proposed/paid 0.30 0.30 0.80 0.80 0.50 0.5
Operational ratios Lufthansa Group              
Return on sales (Profit/loss before income taxes /revenue) % 4.2 6.5 4.0 -15.5 -63.5 5.1 7.8 8.9 7.1 6.3
Return on capital employed
(Profit/loss before income taxes plus interest on liabilities / total assets)
% 4.6 6.4 4.0 -5.1 -20.8 5.3 7.8 9.9 7.3 7.3
Return on equity (Profit/loss after income taxes/shareholders’ equity) % 12.1 20.0 11.9 -48.8 -487.8 12.1 22.9 26.1 25.2 29.5
Return on equity (Profit/loss before income taxes/shareholders’ equity) % 13.6 23.9 14.7 -58.0 -622.3 18.1 29.1 34.7 31.4 34.7
Equity ratio (Shareholders’ equity/total assets) % 24.6 21.4 19.6 10.6 3.5 24 25.1 25.5 20.6 18.0
(Net indebtedness plus pension obligations / shareholders’ equity)
% 72.8 88.3 105.5 349.6 1,402.5 129.9 97.7 87.8 154.8 170.6
Leverage (Net indebtedness/total assets) % 12.2 12.5 15.9 21.2 25.1 15.6 9.1 8.1 7.8 10.3
Internal financing ratio (Cash flow/capital expenditure) % 101.9 135.9 213.1 29.4 -177.4 109.9 108 152.1 145.5 132.1
Adjusted net debt / Adjusted EBITDA (since 2017);
Debt repayment ratio (until 2016)
% 2.0 1.7 2.3 25.8 2.8 1.8 1.5 28.7 30.7
Revenue efficiency (Cash flow/revenue) % 10.4 13.8 16.7 2.4 -17.1 11.1 11.6 15.1 10.3 10.6
Adjusted ROCE (Adj. EBIT - 25% taxes) /
average capital employed 3)
% 7.2 13.1 7.6 -7.4 -16.7 6.6 10.6 11.9 7.0 8.3
Net working capital (Current assets less current liabilities) €bn -3.3 -3.8 -2.5 -1.2 -4.6 -4.7 -5.6 1.6 -0.8 -3.5
Non-current asset ratio (Non-current assets/total assets) % 65.3 64.8 64.8 68.3 74.6 73.5 72.1 69.2 70.6 72.5
Depreciation ratio for aircraft / reserve engines
(Accumulated depreciation / accumulated acquisition costs)
% 60.9 61.0 60.1 58.8 55.9 50.7 51.7 52.5 49.7 51.6
Staff ratios
Average number of employees Number 100,290 110,264 106,889 107,643 125,207 137,784 134,330 128,856 123,287 119,559
Revenue/employee 374,723 321,429 289,038 156,174 108,532 264,356 264,587 276,114 256,799 268,119
Staff costs/revenue % 24.0 23.5 23.6 37.6 47.4 25.0 24.8 23 23.2 25.2
Traffic figures Lufthansa Group
Passengers millions 131.3 122.5 101.8 46.9 36.4 145.3 141.9 129.3 109.7 107.7
Available seat-kilometres millions 326,176 300,582 259,428 145,139 109,828 358,803 349,391 322,875 286,555 273,975
Revenue seat-kilometres millions 271,038 249,269 207,030 89,397 69,462 296,217 284,639 261,149 226,639 220,396
Passenger load factor % 83.1 82.9 79.8 61.6 63.2 82.6 81.5 80.9 79.1 80.4
Available cargo tonne-kilometres millions 17,119 15,497 14,194 11,867 10,560 17,379 16,349 15,754 15,117 14,971
Revenue cargo tonne-kilometres millions 9,957 8,735 8,562 8,477 7,373 10,664 10,896 10,819 10,071 9,930
Cargo load factor % 58.2 56.4 60.3 71.4 69.8 61.4 66.6 68.7 66.6 66.3
Number of flights Number 991,752 946,132 826,603 460,029 390,263 1,187,728 1,163,565 1,128,745 1,021,919 1,003,660
Commercial aircraft Number 735 721 710 713 757 763 763 728 617 600
1) Adjusted free cash flow from 2018 (free cash flow adjusted for effect of IFRS 16).
2) Previous year’s figures adjusted for effects of the new shares issued as part of the capital increase in September 2021.
3) Calculated until 2020: Adjusted ROCE (Adjusted EBIT plus interest income on liquidity minus 25% taxes) / average capital employed.
4) The figures for 2017 were adjusted retroactively due to the restatement of capitalised engine maintenance events and IFRS 9.
5) The figures for 2018 were adjusted due to the restatement of compensation payments for flight cancellations and delays.
6) The figures for 2021 were adjusted retroactively due to changes in the definition of key performance indicators.
7) The figures for 2022 were adjusted due to the reclassification of the Catering segment to discontinued operations.
8) The figures for 2023 were adjusted due to the reclassification of non-pool material from repairable spare parts to inventories.