
17. Goodwill and intangible assets with an indefinite useful life
in €m Goodwill from
Intangible assets with
an indefinite useful life
Acquisition costs as of 1 Jan 2023 1,039 702 1,741
Accumulated impairment losses -683 -3 -686
Carrying amount 1 Jan 2023 356 699 1,055
Currency translation differences 27 27
Additions due to changes in consolidation
Disposals due to changes in consolidation
Reclassifications to assets held for sale -18 - 2 -20
Impairment losses -40 -40
Carrying amount 31 Dec 2023 298 724 1,022
Acquisitions costs as of 1 Jan 2024 378 726 1,104
Accumulated impairment losses - 80 - 2 -82
Carrying amount 1 Jan 2024 298 724 1,022
Currency translation differences -6 -6
Additions due to changes in consolidation
Disposals due to changes in consolidation
Reclassifications to assets held for sale
Impairment losses
Carrying amount 31 Dec 2024 298 718 1,016
Acquisition costs as of 31 Dec 2024 378 720 1,098
Accumulated impairment losses - 80 - 2 -82

All goodwill and intangible assets with an indefinite useful life were subjected to a regular impairment test in the 2024 financial year as required by IAS 36. Furthermore, there is an obligation to perform an impairment test where there is an indication of impairment. During 2024, due to negative variances from planned figures in the Lufthansa Airlines business segment and its low market capitalisation, ad hoc impairment tests were carried out for this unit. These tests did not indicate any impairment.

The tests were performed at the level of the smallest cash-generating unit (CGU) on the basis of fair value less costs to sell.

All impairment testing is based on approved four-year corporate planning. The assumptions on revenue growth applied are based on this planning as well as external industry-specific sources (for example IATA). On the basis of financial planning by the individual business units, discounts were made at Group level to reflect uncertainties in the planning. In the course of Group planning, the discounts were set at approximately 9% (previous year: 10%) of Adjusted EBIT on a long-term basis and were allocated to the units on a pro rata basis during the impairment tests.

Demand for air travel has increased significantly since the pandemic, although this catch-up effect has been much slower in Germany than the rest of Europe and globally, where passenger air traffic had already exceeded pre-crisis levels by 2024. Current plans anticipate that the seat-kilometre capacity available to Lufthansa Passenger Airlines companies will not return to pre-crisis levels until 2026. The assumption is that markets will continue to grow until the end of the detailed planning period; some customer segments, particularly the business travel market, will initially remain below their historic capacities, whereas others, such as leisure travel, will perform better. Average yields are forecast to rise only slightly. Further pricing developments, both in sales and purchasing markets, and the ability to pass on rising costs (due to geopolitical effects, macroeconomic challenges or regulatory measures, for example) are considered key success factors. A comprehensive package of measures has been initiated specifically for Lufthansa Airlines. This is expected to contribute more than EUR 2.5bn to earnings. In addition to the delayed introduction of more efficient aircraft, operational stabilisation and the resolution of spare parts issues, the package includes improved customer satisfaction, higher productivity and efficiency gains through process streamlining and automation. Full implementation is expected by the end of the planning period. Generally, the margins applied are based on past experience or developed on the basis of expected unit revenues and cost-cutting measures. Fuel cost planning assumes a price of USD 100/bbl, based on average prices in 2024. Expenditure on CO2 emissions was calculated using an assumed certificate market price of EUR 72/t, taking into account existing ETS holdings and the free allocations still available until 2026. Current market prices were used for the future cost of acquiring CORSIA certificates, with an additional risk premium applied to account for potential future price risks. The statutory blending quotas up to 2028 and conservatively estimated prices based on current market premiums were used for SAF blends. The assumption is that any additional costs in future periods will not result in a lasting margin reduction. Long-term investment rates are based on past experience and take account of the procurement of production resources and their financing as envisaged in fleet planning. Costs of the central functions were charged to individual units based on their use of these functions.

The weighted average cost of capital is calculated using market data to derive leverage ratios, beta factors and borrowing costs from a peer group that is reviewed annually. A market risk premium of 7.5% was applied as a basis (previous year: 7.5%). Regional risks are taken into account by applying appropriate risk premiums.

Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives consist of slots purchased as part of company acquisitions (where tradeable) and acquired brand names. Acquired slots have an indefinite useful life due to their lasting legal and economic significance. The carrying amounts for the slots and the brands were included in the impairment test for the smallest cash-generating unit (CGU) to which they are allocated. As described above for goodwill, the impairment tests were then performed on the basis of corporate planning for all assets, including slots and/or brands, of the respective units.

Even if the assumptions for revenue growth are reduced and the discount rates used are increased by one percentage point compared with the figures in table ↗ T113 IMPAIRMENT TESTING, the recoverable amounts for the units are still higher than the carrying amounts. Similarly, worsening the scenarios by one percentage point in each case in terms of planned Adjusted EBIDA margins for the impairment tests would not reduce the recoverable amounts below the respective carrying amounts for these CGUs, with the exception of Lufthansa Cargo. In the case of the Lufthansa Cargo CGU, a reduction in the Adjusted EBIDA margin of more than 0.9 percentage points leads to a deficit. The sensitivity analysis takes account of changes in one assumption at a time, with the other assumptions from the original calculation remaining unchanged.

Table T113 summarises the carrying amounts and the assumptions for the tests described above:

Name of the CGU Lufthansa Airlines SWISS Austrian Airlines Brussels Airlines Eurowings Other Total
Segment Passenger Airlines Passenger Airlines Passenger Airlines Passenger Airlines Passenger Airlines
Carrying amount of goodwill (31 Dec) € 253m € 45m € 298m
Impairment losses during reporting period
Carrying amount for slots (31 Dec) € 76m € 159m € 23m € 36m € 294m
Impairment losses during reporting period
Carrying amount for brand (31 Dec) € 275m € 107m € 37m € 5m € 424m
Impairment losses during reporting period
Key planning assumptions
Revenue growth p.a. during planning period 4.5% to 9.6% 0.5% to 3.3% 1.9% to 10.4% 3.8% to 15.4% 8.1% to 9.8% 1.2% to 14.6%
Revenue growth p.a. after end of planning period 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5%
Adjusted EBIDA margin during planning period1) 3.9% to 12.2% 15.7% to 17.8% 6.6% to 11.0% 9.1% to 12.8% 5.3% to 6.3% 9.4% to 12.6%
Adjusted EBIDA margin after end of planning period1) 12.2% 17.3% 11.0% 12.8% 6.3% 10.4% to 12.6%
Discount rate (after taxes) 7.7% 7.8% 7.8% 7.8% 7.7% 7.7% to 7.8%
1) Adjusted EBIDA margin after reallocation of corporate costs and contingencies.
Name of the CGU Lufthansa Airlines SWISS Austrian Airlines Brussels Airlines Eurowings Other Total
Segment Passenger Airlines Passenger Airlines Passenger Airlines Passenger Airlines Passenger Airlines
Carrying amount of goodwill (31 Dec) € 253m € 45m € 298m
Impairment losses during reporting period
Carrying amount for slots (31 Dec) € 76m € 161m € 23m € 36m € 296m
Impairment losses during reporting period
Carrying amount for brand (31 Dec) € 279m € 107m € 37m € 5m € 428m
Impairment losses during reporting period
Key planning assumptions
Revenue growth p.a. during planning period 4.1% to 18.5% 1.0% to 9.6% 2.9% to 11.3% 7.6% to 13.4% 3.3% to 16.3% 1.2% to 17.1%
Revenue growth p.a. after end of planning period 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5%
Adjusted EBIDA margin during planning period1) 9.1% to 11.5% 17.8% to 18.7% 8.0% to 9.7% 10.6% to 12.7% 5.7% to 6.8% 9.7% to 16.7%
Adjusted EBIDA margin after end of planning period1) 11.5% 18.6% 9.7% 12.7% 6.8% 10.1% to 16.7%
Discount rate (after taxes) 7.8% 7.9% 7.9% 7.8% 7.8% 7.8% to 7.9%
1) Adjusted EBIDA margin after reallocation of corporate costs and contingencies.
18. Other intangible assets
in €m Concessions, industrial property rights and similar
rights and licences to such rights and assets
Internally developed software Advance payments and plant under construction Total
Acquisition costs as of 1 Jan 2023 1,522 212 123 1,857
Accumulated amortization and impairment - 1,271 - 196 - 17 -1,484
Carrying amount 1 Jan 2023 251 16 106 373
Currency translation differences 4 4
Additions due to changes in consolidation
Additions 49 56 105
Reclassifications 52 3 - 57 - 2
Disposals due to changes in consolidation
Reclassifications to assets held for sale -37 -6 -3 - 46
Amortisation and impairment -85 - 9 -7 -101
Reversals of impairment losses
Carrying amount 31 Dec 2023 234 4 95 333
Acquisitions costs as of 1 Jan 2024 1,430 184 105 1,719
Accumulated amortisation and impairment -1,196 - 180 -10 -1,386
Carrying amount 1 Jan 2024 234 4 95 333
Currency translation differences - 1 - 1
Additions due to changes in consolidation
Additions 18 3 65 86
Reclassifications 12 7 -18 1
Disposals due to changes in consolidation
Disposals - 1 - 9 -10
Reclassifications to assets held for sale - 2 - 2
Amortisation and impairment - 80 -6 - 86
Reversals of impairment losses
Carrying amount 31 Dec 2024 180 8 133 321
Acquisition costs as of 31 Dec 2024 1,448 193 143 1,784
Accumulated amortisation and impairment -1,268 - 185 -10 -1,463

Non-capitalised research and development costs for intangible assets of EUR 54m (previous year: EUR 56m) were incurred in the period. Firm orders have been placed for intangible assets worth EUR 3m (previous year: EUR 1m), but these are not yet at the economic disposal of the Lufthansa Group.

19. Aircraft and reserve engines including right-of-use assets
in €m Aircraft and reserve engines Advance payments for aircraft and reserve engines Total
Acquisition costs as of 1 Jan 2023 32,791 2,815 35,606
Accumulated depreciation and impairment -19,712 -4 - 19,716
Carrying amount 1 Jan 2023 13,079 2,811 15,890
Currency translation differences 132 13 145
Additions due to changes in consolidation
Additions 2,128 1,661 3,789
Reclassifications 265 - 272 -7
Disposals due to changes in consolidation
Disposals -494 -95 -589
Reclassifications to assets held for sale
Depreciation and impairment -1,764 -1,764
Reversals of impairment losses
Carrying amount 31 Dec 2023 13,346 4,118 17,464
Acquisitions costs as of 1 Jan 2024 34,249 4,122 38,371
Accumulated depreciation and impairment -20,903 -4 -20,907
Carrying amount 1 Jan 2024 13,346 4,118 17,464
Currency translation differences -13 - 2 - 15
Additions due to changes in consolidation
Additions 2,723 1,200 3,923
Reclassifications 645 - 645
Disposals due to changes in consolidation
Disposals -78 - 1 -79
Reclassifications to assets held for sale - 584 - 1 - 585
Depreciation and impairment -1,880 -1,880
Reversals of impairment losses
Carrying amount 31 Dec 2024 14,159 4,669 18,828
Acquisition costs as of 31 Dec 2024 36,225 4,672 40,897
Accumulated depreciation and impairment -22,066 -3 - 22,069

This item includes 90 aircraft with a carrying amount of EUR 2,651m (previous year: 97 aircraft with a carrying amount of EUR 2,716m), which have mostly been sold to and leased back from foreign leasing companies with the aim of obtaining favourable financing conditions. The leasing companies are fully consolidated as structured entities. The Lufthansa Group is entitled to buy the aircraft back at a fixed price and at a given point in time. Another four aircraft (previous year: four) with a carrying amount of EUR 309m (previous year: EUR 332m) were pledged as collateral under loan agreements.

In the reporting year, borrowing costs of EUR 135m (previous year: EUR 95m) were capitalised. The financing rate applied was 3.4% (previous year: 3.0%).

Additions relate to 17 new aircraft (previous year: 26) and rights of use for 17 aircraft (previous year: 15). Further additions include reserve engines and rights of use for reserve engines as well as the capitalisation of engine maintenance and aircraft overhaul events.

Reclassifications to aircraft held for sale include EUR 560m for 15 aircraft sold during the financial year that were leased back from the buyer immediately after the sale ↗ Note 22. Of these 15 aircraft, five were added during the reporting year.

Order commitments for aircraft and reserve engines amount to EUR 20.9bn (previous year: EUR 20.0bn). The order commitment increased due to orders for five Airbus A350 aircraft and 19 reserve engines being placed during the reporting period, as well as price increases for existing orders linked to price adjustment clauses and exchange rate effects. This was compensated for by down payments and final payments for current orders.

20. Repairable spare parts for aircraft
2024 2023
in €m Gross acquisition
carrying amount
Gross acquisition
impairment losses1)
carrying amount1)
Repairable spare parts for aircraft 3,390 1,236 2,154 3,180 1,156 2,024
1) Value adjusted due to the reclassification of non-pool material

Additions in the financial year (netted against disposals) amounted to EUR 210m (previous year: EUR 364m); the net change in depreciation recognised in profit or loss was EUR 80m (previous year: EUR -50m).

The tabular presentation of repairable aircraft spare parts previously shown in table T116, which distinguished between pool material and non-pool material, has been discontinued. This change reflects a shift in the predominant usage pattern of non-pool material over the years from a durable good to a consumable good, leading to a reclassification from non-current assets to current inventories. The accounting method has been altered to provide a more appropriate presentation of the situation. This was prompted by the continual expansion of business with non-Group customers which is currently under way and expected to continue over the next few years, the related increase in trade in non-pool materials and changes to technical requirements, which mean that the Group generally no longer retains most of these materials on a long-term basis; it is therefore more appropriate to report them under inventories. This change was implemented as of 31 December 2024. In this context, EUR 482m was reclassified to inventories. The prior-year closing balance and the opening balance of the previous year were adjusted by EUR 424m (acquisition cost of EUR 602m less cumulative depreciation of EUR 178m) and EUR 353m (acquisition cost of EUR 562m less cumulative depreciation of EUR 209m), respectively. The remaining stocks of non-pool material that were presented here separately in the previous year and are not affected by the reclassification were combined with stocks of pool material, because these will stay in the Group and be used on a long-term basis.

21. Other property, plant and equipment including right-of-use assets
in €m Land and buildings Technical equipment and machinery Other equipment, operating and office equipment Advance payments and plant under construction Total
Acquisition costs as of 1 Jan 2023 4,814 1,305 1,395 125 7,639
Accumulated depreciation and impairment - 2,274 - 1,002 - 1,029 -3 - 4,308
Carrying amount 1 Jan 2023 2,540 303 366 122 3,331
Currency translation differences 15 2 1 18
Additions due to changes in consolidation 14 14
Additions 240 28 117 91 476
Reclassifications 9 10 10 - 27 2
Disposals due to changes in consolidation
Disposals -53 - 1 -5 - 1 -60
Reclassifications to assets held for sale -284 -55 - 104 - 31 -474
Depreciation and impairment -262 -45 -87 -394
Reversals of impairment losses
Carrying amount 31 Dec 2023 2,219 242 298 154 2,913
Acquisitions costs as of 1 Jan 2024 4,220 1,097 1,123 155 6,595
Accumulated depreciation and impairment -2,001 - 855 - 825 - 1 -3,682
Carrying amount 1 Jan 2024 2,219 242 298 154 2,913
Currency translation differences 1 2 3
Additions due to changes in consolidation
Additions 234 42 120 160 556
Reclassifications 23 31 11 -66 - 1
Disposals due to changes in consolidation -3 -3 -6
Disposals -114 - 1 -5 - 2 - 122
Reclassifications to assets held for sale - 1 2 1
Depreciation and impairment -251 -47 -89 -387
Reversals of impairment losses 1 1
Carrying amount 31 Dec 2024 2,109 269 334 246 2,958
Acquisition costs as of 31 Dec 2024 4,302 1,131 1,181 247 6,861
Accumulated depreciation and impairment -2,193 - 862 - 847 - 1 - 3,903

Land at Frankfurt Airport with a carrying amount at amortised cost of EUR 30m is not used for the Group’s operations and is therefore classified as an investment property.

As in the previous year, there are no charges over land and property. A third-party pre-emption right is registered for land held at EUR 174m (previous year: EUR 161m).

Other property, plant and equipment owned by the Group that did not consist of right-of-use assets was not used as collateral for existing financing arrangements, as in the previous year.

The following items of property, plant and equipment have been ordered, but are not yet at the economic disposal of the Lufthansa Group:

in €m 31 Dec 2024 31 Dec 2023
Land and buildings 93 62
Technical equipment and vehicles 46 56
Operating and office equipment 252 108
391 226
22. Leases

Table T119 shows the carrying amounts of the recognised right-of-use assets and the changes during the reporting period:

in €m Aircraft and reserve engines Land and buildings Other equipment, operating and office equipment Total
Acquisition costs as of 1 Jan 2023 1,567 2,345 30 3,942
Accumulated depreciation and impairment -804 -780 -19 - 1,603
Carrying amount 1 Jan 2023 763 1,565 11 2,339
Currency translation differences 2 10 12
Additions due to changes in consolidation
Additions 494 223 14 731
Disposals due to changes in consolidation
Disposals -26 -51 -77
Reclassifications to assets held for sale -163 -3 -166
Depreciation and impairment -191 -205 -7 -403
Reversals of impairment losses
Carrying amount 31 Dec 2023 1,042 1,379 15 2,436
Acquisitions costs as of 1 Jan 2024 1,920 2,196 29 4,145
Accumulated depreciation and impairment -878 -817 - 14 -1,709
Carrying amount 1 Jan 2024 1,042 1,379 15 2,436
Currency translation differences
Additions due to changes in consolidation
Additions 455 209 12 676
Disposals due to changes in consolidation - 2 - 1 -3
Disposals -10 -93 - 1 - 104
Reclassifications to assets held for sale - 1 - 1
Depreciation and impairment -221 - 197 -8 -426
Reversals of impairment losses
Carrying amount 31 Dec 2024 1,266 1,295 17 2,578
Acquisition costs as of 31 Dec 2024 2,281 2,245 35 4,561
Accumulated depreciation and impairment -1,015 - 950 -18 - 1,983

The Lufthansa Group mainly leases aircraft and property, particularly at airports. Leases may include renewal and termination options. The terms of leases are negotiated individually and cover a wide range of different areas. Longer-term leases relate to property in particular. There is a remaining lease term of up to 31 years for land and buildings (previous year: up to 32 years) as of the reporting date. The average remaining term of building leases as of 31 December 2024 was three years (previous year: four years).

The average remaining term of aircraft leases as of 31 December 2024 was four years (previous year: four years). Right-of-use assets for 17 aircraft were recognised in 2024. This includes the aircraft added in the course of sale-and-lease-back transactions.

The Lufthansa Group concluded the sale and lease-back of 15 short-haul aircraft from the Airbus A320 family in the second half of 2024. The aircraft will be leased back for a period of 72 months, with no extension option. The aircraft were between two and 28 months old at the time of the transaction and are currently operated by Eurowings, SWISS and Brussels Airlines. The transactions reflect the Group’s strategy of financing capital expenditure in new aircraft with a mix of cash, Japanese operating leases (JOLCOs) and other leases. The transactions were concluded with companies managed by BANC OF AMERICA LEASING IRELAND, Dublin, Ireland, NBB-11594 LEASE PARTNERSHIP NBB Ibis Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, and Gratedell Limited, Dublin, Ireland. Proceeds of EUR 761m were generated by the sale, which are shown in the cash flow statement as cash inflows from investing activities. The right-of-use assets added amounted to EUR 220m as of the transaction date and the resulting lease obligation came to EUR 283m. The book gain of EUR 99m resulting from the sale is presented in EBIT. This book gain is not included in Adjusted EBIT.

In the reporting period, the amounts shown in the income statement were as follows:

in €m 2024 2023
Depreciation of right-of-use assets 426 403
Interest expenses for lease liabilities 112 90
Expenses for short-term leases 16 116
Expenses for low-value leases 68 79
Variable lease payments 5 58

The Lufthansa Group’s leases for properties and aircraft include renewal options and variable lease payments. They are used to achieve the greatest possible flexibility in terms of capacities. Variable lease payments and options that are not sufficiently certain to be exercised are not included in the measurement of lease liabilities. Potential future lease payments for periods after the exercise date of the renewal options are summarised in table T121.

Recognised lease
liability (discounted)
Potential future lease payments not included
in lease liabilities (undiscounted payments)
Recognised lease liability (discounted) Potential future lease payments not included
in lease liabilities (undiscounted payments)
in €m 31 Dec 2024 Payable
after 2029
Total 31 Dec 2023 Payable
after 2028
Aircraft 1,517 43 34 77 1,136 73 54 127
Property/operating and
office equipment
1,370 66 544 610 1,432 95 483 578
Total 2,887 109 578 687 2,568 168 537 705

Where termination options were in place for individual leases, their exercise was considered unlikely. As a result, additional lease payments were already taken into account in the corresponding lease liability.

Amounts included in the cash flow statement are shown in table T122:

in €m 2024 2023
Lease expenses from short-term and low-value leases and variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities 89 253
Repayment of the redemption portion of the lease liability 405 371
Interest payments 112 90
Total 606 714

Lease payments are shown as cash flows from financing activities unless they are lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities, which are shown as operating cash flow.

The maturity analysis of lease liabilities is shown under financial liabilities, ↗ Note 37.

Information about operating leases in which the Lufthansa Group is the lessor can be found in ↗ Note 6.

23. Equity investments accounted for using the equity method
in €m Investments in joint ventures Investments in associated companies Total
Acquisition costs as of 1 Jan 2023 396 123 519
Accumulated impairment - 105 -22 - 127
Carrying amount 1 Jan 2023 291 101 392
Currency translation differences - 9 - 2 - 11
Additions 19 19
Changes with and without an effect on profit and loss 102 27 129
Disposals due to changes in consolidation
Dividends paid - 9 -5 - 14
Reclassifications to assets held for sale - 50 - 50
Carrying amount 31 Dec 2023 394 71 465
Acquisitions costs as of 1 Jan 2024 499 71 570
Accumulated impairment - 105 - 105
Carrying amount 1 Jan 2024 394 71 465
Currency translation differences 9 4 13
Additions 22 22
Changes with and without an effect on profit and loss 103 23 126
Reclassifications -6 -6
Dividends paid - 12 - 12
Impairment - 11 - 11
Carrying amount 31 Dec 2024 499 98 597
Acquisition costs as of 31 Dec 2024 604 98 702
Accumulated impairment - 105 - 105
Individual interests in companies accounted for using the equity method

Tables T124 to T127 contain summarised aggregated data from the income statement and statement of financial position for the individual material joint ventures accounted for using the equity method.

in €m 31 Dec 2024 31 Dec 2023
Current assets 553 614
of which cash and cash equivalents 188 272
Non-current assets 1,872 1,409
Current liabilities 742 758
Non-current liabilities 1,064 831
Current financial liabilities
(except trade and other payables and provisions)
278 265
Non-current financial liabilities
(except trade and other payables and provisions)
896 713
Shareholders’ equity 619 434
Pro rata equity 310 217
Other 25 26
Carrying amount 335 243
in €m 2024 2023
Revenue 2,009 1,641
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment 165 131
Interest income 16 15
Interest expenses 40 34
Income tax expense or income 34 100
Profit or loss from continuing operations 149 250
Profit or loss after tax from discontinued operations
Other comprehensive income 35 - 15
Total comprehensive income 184 235
Pro rata profit or loss from continuing operations 75 125
Pro rata comprehensive income 92 118
Dividends received

The functional currency of SunExpress is the euro.

The item “Other” in the reconciliation with the carrying amount for SunExpress primarily includes the difference from the first-time consolidation of the company.

in €m 31 Dec 2024 31 Dec 2023
Current assets 47 22
of which cash and cash equivalents
Non-current assets 1,005 1,060
Current liabilities 142 454
Non-current liabilities 876 637
Current financial liabilities
(except trade and other payables and provisions)
97 412
Non-current financial liabilities
(except trade and other payables and provisions)
850 613
Shareholders’ equity 33 -9
Pro rata equity 13 -4
Carrying amount 13
in €m 2024 2023
Revenue 331 286
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment 70 76
Interest income 1
Interest expenses 25 22
Income tax expense or income 7 4
Profit or loss from continuing operations 43 18
Profit or loss after tax from discontinued operations
Other comprehensive income - 1 -3
Total comprehensive income 42 15
Pro rata profit or loss from continuing operations 17 7
Pro rata comprehensive income 17 6
Dividends received

EUR 4m (previous year: EUR 6m) of the earnings of Terminal 2 Gesellschaft mbH & CO. OHG was not recognised through profit or loss in the financial year as previously unrecognised losses from prior years existed in this amount. As of 31 December 2024, there were no longer any losses not previously recognised in the carrying amount (previous year: EUR 4m).

Table T128 contains summarised aggregated data from the income statement and the carrying amounts for the individual immaterial joint ventures accounted for using the equity method.

in €m 2024 2023
Profit or loss from continuing operations - 14 - 23
Profit or loss after tax from discontinued operations
Other comprehensive income 7
Total comprehensive income - 14 -16
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment 11
Carrying amount 151 152

The depreciation, amortisation and impairment relate to the remaining carrying amounts of LG-LHT Aircraft Solutions GmbH and LG-LHT Passenger Solutions GmbH, whose liquidation was decided during the financial year.

Cumulative losses of EUR 11m (previous year: EUR 11m) for the immaterial joint ventures were not recognised through profit or loss previously, as the carrying amounts of the equity interests were too low. Total losses of EUR 10m were not recognised through profit or loss in the financial year because the carrying amounts of the equity interests were too low.

Table T129 contains summarised aggregated data from the income statement and the carrying amounts for the individual immaterial associated companies accounted for using the equity method.

in €m 2024 2023
Profit or loss from continuing operations 23 18
Profit or loss after tax from discontinued operations
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income 23 18
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment
Carrying amount 98 71
24. Other equity investments and non-current securities
in €m 31 Dec 2024 31 Dec 2023
Investments in related parties 241 209
Equity investments 25 24
Other equity investments 266 233
Non-current securities 21 20

Shares in related parties include shares in affiliated companies, joint ventures and associates that are not consolidated for reasons of materiality. These shares are carried at amortised cost. Disclosures on the equity investments and non-current securities can be found in ↗ Note 45.

25. Non-current loans and receivables
in €m 31 Dec 2024 31 Dec 2023
Loans to and receivables from related parties 82 55
Other loans and receivables 270 268
Pension assets 126 219
Emissions certificates 374 426
852 968

Non-current loans and receivables are carried at amortised cost.

EUR 157m (previous year: EUR 142m) of the other loans and receivables are owed by the AURELIUS group. These relate to the disposal of the LSG group and represent deferred purchase price receivables. The resulting interest income is recognised in net interest. The term of the loans expires in October 2025 and can be extended by Aurelius until October 2028, as assumed in the statement of financial position as at 31 December 2024. The interest rate is 10% p.a. and 12% p.a. from November 2025.

No CO₂ emissions certificates (previous year: EUR 201m) were sold and simultaneously repurchased on the market on a forward basis in what are known as repo agreements as of the reporting date. For the impairment test for emissions certificates, please refer to the disclosures on the cash-generating units (CGU) in ↗ Note 17.

As in the previous year, no non-current receivables were used as collateral for liabilities.

26. Inventories
in €m 31 Dec 2024 31 Dec 2023
Spare parts for aircraft 1,390 1,1761)
Other raw materials, consumables and supplies 56 85
Finished goods and work in progress 159 121
Advance payments 1 3
1,606 1,3851
1) Last year’s figure adjusted.

Due to the accounting policy change for Non-Pool-material inventories increased by EUR 482m compared with 31 December 2024. This amount was reclassified from repairable spare parts for aircraft to inventories. The prior-year value was adjusted by EUR 424m ↗ Note 20.

The gross value of value-adjusted inventories as of 31 December 2024 was EUR 1,936m (previous year: EUR 1,254m). Inventories with a carrying amount of EUR 1,268m (previous year: EUR 725m) are held at their net realisable value. Write-downs to net realisable value of EUR 716m were made at the beginning of the financial year (previous year: EUR 449m). In the reporting year, new impairments of EUR 15m were recorded (previous year: EUR 95m), mostly related to the MRO segment. Impairment of EUR 64m from previous years were reversed (previous year: EUR 15m).

No inventories have been pledged as collateral for loans.

27. Contract assets

The Lufthansa Group recognised the following contract assets in 2024:

in €m 31 Dec 2024 31 Dec 2023
Contract assets from MRO and IT services 399 316
Impairment of contract assets -4 -4
Total contract assets 395 312
28. Trade receivables and other receivables
in €m 31 Dec 2024 31 Dec 2023
Trade receivables
Trade receivables from related parties 40 56
Trade receivables from third parties 2,397 2,253
2,437 2,309
Other receivables  
Receivables from related parties 95 139
Receivables from other equity investments 1 1
Other receivables 1,367 1,243
Emissions certificates 357 231
1,820 1,614
Total 4,257 3,923

As in the previous year, no receivables were used as collateral for loans.

There are factoring agreements for some of the trade receivables. Since the risk of late payment and default was almost completely transferred to the factor, the EUR 55m in assets transferred (previous year: EUR 47m) was fully derecognised except for the amount of the continuing engagement of EUR 1m (previous year: EUR 1m).

Impairment testing for the emissions certificates took place in the course of impairment testing for the cash-generating units (CGU) that hold them ↗ Note 17.

As in the previous year, there is no collateral for trade receivables and no reimbursements are expected for obligations for which provisions have been recognised.

For disclosures on impairment losses, credit risks and term structures, we refer to ↗ Note 45.

Other receivables of EUR 111m (previous year: EUR 164m serve to secure the negative market values of derivatives.

29. Prepaid expenses

Prepaid expenses consist of various services paid for in advance for subsequent periods.

30. Interest-bearing securities and similar investments

Current securities are fixed income securities, participation certificates, shares and investments in money market funds. This position also includes term deposits with maturities of more than three to twelve months.

31. Cash and cash equivalents

This item includes cash and cash equivalents and fixed-term deposits with a term of up to three months. Bank balances in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate on the balance sheet date.

32. Assets held for sale

Assets and liabilities held for sale as of 31 December 2024 are made up as follows:

in €m 31 Dec 2024 31 Dec 2023
Other intangible assets 27
Aircraft and reserve engines 12
Land and buildings 7
Other property, plant and other equipment 6
Financial investments 31
Trade receivables 931
Other assets 107
Total 12 1,109
Pension provisions 8
Other provisions 36
Financial liabilities 279
Other liabilities 347
Total 670

Four CRJ900-series aircraft with a carrying amount of EUR 12m were held for sale as of 31 December 2024 and are allocated to the Passenger Airlines segment.

In the previous year, all the assets and liabilities held for sale stemmed from the contract signed on 20 June 2023 and finally closed on 31 July 2024 with SEB Kort Bank AB of Stockholm for the sale of the AirPlus Group.