Declaration by the legal representatives

We declare that, to the best of our knowledge and according to the applicable accounting standards, the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the net assets, financial and earnings position of the Group, and that the Group management report, which has been combined with the management report for Deutsche Lufthansa AG, presents a fair view of the course of business, including the business result, and the situation of the Group, and presents the material opportunities and risks to its future development.

Frankfurt, 24 February 2025

The Executive Board

Carsten Spohr
Chairman of the
Executive Board
Chief Executive

Michael Niggemann
Chief Human Resources and Legal Officer
Labour Director

Till Streichert
Member of the Executive Board
Chief Financial Officer

Grazia Vittadini
Member of the Executive Board
Chief Technology Officer

Dieter Vranckx
Member of the Executive Board
Chief Commercial Officer