Consolidated statement of financial position
as of 31 December 2024
in €m | Notes | 31 Dec 2024 | 31 Dec 2023 |
Intangible assets with an indefinite useful life1) | 17 | 1,016 | 1,022 |
Other intangible assets | 18 | 321 | 333 |
Aircraft and reserve engines | 19, 22 | 18,828 | 17,464 |
Repairable spare parts for aircraft2) | 20 | 2,154 | 2,024 |
Other property, plant and other equipment3) | 21, 22 | 2,958 | 2,913 |
Equity investments accounted for using the equity method | 23 | 597 | 465 |
Other equity investments | 24, 45 | 266 | 233 |
Non-current securities | 24, 45 | 21 | 20 |
Loans, receivables and other assets | 25, 45 | 852 | 968 |
Derivative financial instruments | 45 | 821 | 659 |
Prepaid expenses | 29 | 55 | 79 |
Income tax receivables | 165 | 109 | |
Deferred tax assets | 14 | 2,682 | 3,059 |
Non-current assets 2) | 30,736 | 29,348 | |
Inventories2) | 26 | 1,606 | 1,385 |
Contract assets | 27 | 395 | 312 |
Trade receivables and other receivables | 28, 45 | 4,257 | 3,923 |
Derivative financial instruments | 45 | 803 | 437 |
Prepaid expenses | 29 | 254 | 235 |
Income tax receivables | 501 | 307 | |
Interest-bearing securities and similar investments | 30, 45 | 6,698 | 6,675 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 31, 45 | 1,790 | 1,590 |
Assets held for sale | 32 | 12 | 1,109 |
Current assets2) | 16,316 | 15,973 | |
Total assets | 47,052 | 45,321 | |
1) Including goodwill.
2) Previous year figures adjusted due to the reclassification of non-pool material from repairable spare parts to inventories. See Note 20, Repairable spare parts.
3) This includes financial investments valued at EUR 30m (as of 31 December 2023: EUR 30m).
in €m | Notes | 31 Dec 2024 | 31 Dec 2023 |
Issued capital | 33 | 3,068 | 3,063 |
Capital reserve | 34 | 265 | 258 |
Retained earnings | 34 | 5,477 | 4,187 |
Other neutral reserves | 34 | 2,732 | 2,151 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of Deutsche Lufthansa AG | 11,542 | 9,659 | |
Non-controlling interests | 52 | 50 | |
Shareholders’ equity | 11,594 | 9,709 | |
Pension provisions | 35 | 2,692 | 2,895 |
Other provisions | 36 | 791 | 764 |
Financial liabilities | 37, 45 | 11,413 | 11,055 |
Contract liabilities | 38 | 8 | 26 |
Other financial liabilities | 39 | 55 | |
Advance payments received, deferred income and other non-financial liabilities | 39 | 43 | 67 |
Derivative financial instruments | 45 | 332 | 495 |
Deferred income tax liabilities | 14 | 559 | 505 |
Non-current provisions and liabilities | 15,877 | 15,862 | |
Other provisions | 36 | 1,056 | 876 |
Financial liabilities | 37, 45 | 2,810 | 2,888 |
Trade payables and other financial liabilities | 41, 45 | 6,003 | 5,905 |
Contract liabilities from unused flight documents | 40 | 5,183 | 4,981 |
Miscellaneous contract liabilities | 40 | 2,954 | 2,770 |
Advance payments received, deferred income and other non-financial liabilities | 42 | 709 | 722 |
Derivative financial instruments | 45 | 272 | 263 |
Income tax liabilities | 594 | 675 | |
Liabilities in connection with assets held for sale | 32 | – | 670 |
Current provisions and liabilities | 19,581 | 19,750 | |
Total equity and liabilities | 47,052 | 45,321 | |