Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

for the 2024 financial year

in €m Notes 2024 2023
Profit/loss after income taxes 1,393 1,689
Other comprehensive income
Other comprehensive income with subsequent reclassification to the income statement
Differences from currency translation 35 35 270
Subsequent measurement of financial assets and liabilities at fair value without effect on profit and loss 35, 46 19 18
Subsequent measurement of hedges – cash flow hedge reserve 35 1,048 -234
Subsequent measurement of hedges – costs of hedging 35 -79 -131
Other comprehensive income from equity investments accounted for using the equity method 24 13 -7
Other expenses and income recognised directly in equity 3
Income taxes on items in other comprehensive income 35 -243 79
796 -5
Other comprehensive income without subsequent reclassification to the income statement
Revaluation of defined-benefit pension plans 36 177 -665
Subsequent measurement of financial assets at fair value 1 5
Other expenses and income recognised directly in equity 35 -4 8
Income taxes on items in other comprehensive income 35 73 310
247 -342
Other comprehensive income after income taxes 1,043 -347
Total comprehensive income 2,436 1,342
of which attributable to non-controlling interests 15 13
of which attributable to shareholders of Deutsche Lufthansa AG 2,421 1,329