Consolidated income statement

for the 2024 financial year

in €m Notes 2024 2023
Traffic revenue 3 31,439 29,926
Other revenue 4 6,142 5,516
Total revenue 37,581 35,442
Changes in inventories and other own work capitalised 5 954 727
Other operating income1) 6 2,232 2,413
Cost of materials and services 7 -22,399 -20,378
Staff costs 8 -9,036 -8,344
Depreciation, amortisation and impairments2) 9 -2,378 -2,242
Other operating expenses3) 10 -5,412 -5,162
Profit/loss from operating activities 1,542 2,456
Result of equity investments accounted for using the equity method 11 86 121
Result of other equity investments 11 103 92
Interest income 12 441 245
Interest expenses 12 -590 -593
Other financial items 13 -6 -4
Financial result 34 -139
Profit/loss before income taxes from continuing operations 1,576 2,317
Income taxes 14 -176 -380
Profit/loss from continuing operations 1,400 1,937
Profit/loss from discontinued operations 15 -7 -248
Profit/loss after income taxes 1,393 1,689
Profit/loss attributable to non-controlling interests 13 16
Net profit/loss attributable to shareholders of Deutsche Lufthansa AG 1,380 1,673
“Basic”/“diluted” earnings per share in € 16 1.15 1.40

1) This includes EUR 40m (previous year: EUR 81m) from write-backs on non-current receivables and the reversal of impairments on current receivables.

2) This includes EUR 27m (previous year: EUR 9m) for the recognition of write-downs on non-current receivables.

3) This includes EUR 61m (previous year: EUR 61m) for the recognition of loss allowances on current receivables.