Key figures Lufthansa Group

    2024 2023 Change
in %
Revenue and result        
Total revenue in €m 37,581 35,442 6
of which traffic revenue in €m 31,439 29,926 5
Operating income in €m 40,542 38,429 5
Operating expenses in €m 39,097 35,960 9
Adjusted EBITDA1) in €m 3,982 4,910 -19
Adjusted EBIT1) in €m 1,645 2,682 -39
EBIT in €m 1,731 2,669 -35
Net profit/loss for the period in €m 1,380 1,673 -18
Key balance sheet and cash flow statement figures        
Total assets in €m 47,052 45,321 4
Shareholders’ equity in €m 11,594 9,709 19
Net indebtedness in €m 5,744 5,682 1
Net pension obligations in €m 2,566 2,676 -4
Cash flow from operating activities3) in €m 3,892 4,905 -21
Capital expenditure (gross)2) in €m 3,743 3,576 5
Net capital expenditure3) in €m 2,392 2,771 -14
Adjusted free cash flow1) in €m 840 1,846 -54
Key profitability and value creation figures        
Adjusted EBITDA margin1) % 10.6 13.9 -3.3 pts
Adjusted EBIT margin1) % 4.4 7.6 -3.2 pts
EBIT margin % 4.6 7.5 -2.9 pts
Adjusted ROCE1) % 7.2 13.1 -5.9 pts
Lufthansa share        
Share price at year-end 6.18 8.05 -23
Earnings per share 1.15 1.40 -18
Suggested dividend per share 0.30 0.30
Traffic figures and environmental data        
Flights Number 991,752 946,132 5
Passengers thousands 131,300 122,535 7
Available seat-kilometres millions 326,176 300,582 9
Revenue seat-kilometres millions 271,038 249,269 9
Passenger load factor % 83.1 82.9 0.2 pts
Available cargo tonne-kilometres millions 17,119 15,497 10
Revenue cargo tonne-kilometres millions 9,957 8,735 14
Cargo load factor % 58.2 56.4 1.8 pts
Specific CO₂ emissions grammes 87.5 88.7 -1
Employees at end of period Number 101,709 96,677 5
Average number of employees Number 100,290 110,264 -9
1) Derivation ↗ Financial strategy and value-based management, Financial performance.
2) Without acquisition of equity investments.
3) Previous year’s figures adjusted
Date of publication: 6 March 2025.