
Lufthansa Group fleet expands to 735 aircraft

At the end of 2024, the Lufthansa Group fleet comprised 735 aircraft (previous year: 721 aircraft). The average age of the aircraft in the fleet was 14.0 years (previous year: 13.4 years).

The fleet expanded year-on-year by 14 aircraft. A total of 18 new aircraft were added to the fleet, compared with four retirements. The new additions comprised 15 new aircraft (seven Airbus A350-900s, one Airbus A321neo, six A320neos and one Boeing 777F) and three used aircraft (one A350-900 bought and two 787-9s leased). In contrast, in 2024 two aircraft were sold (one CR9 and one A340) and the leases for two aircraft expired.

In addition, 15 short- and medium-haul aircraft were sold and leased back in the reporting year. The aircraft are up to two years old and are operated by SWISS, Brussels Airlines and Eurowings.

On long-haul routes, the remaining A380s were reactivated from long-term parking mode in the reporting year. The Company was therefore responding to strong demand and countering delays in delivering ordered aircraft due to numerous problems at the manufacturers with production, supply chains and certification. At the end of 2024, of the total of eight A380s, seven were already in use for flight operations at Munich Airport, and one more followed in February 2025. All eight A380s are therefore now back in service.

The airlines in the Lufthansa Group operated 56 aircraft on the basis of wet leases in the reporting year. The reasons behind this were, in particular, to make up for delayed aircraft deliveries and to expand capacities in the busy summer months.

Ongoing fleet modernisation improves the offering for passengers as well as cost efficiency and reduces emissions

The Lufthansa Group has made important decisions in recent years in relation to the ongoing modernisation of its fleet. In particular, this entails the retirement of larger four-engine aircraft, which are less fuel-efficient, and their replacement with modern, more efficient aircraft types such as the Boeing 787 and the A350. At the same time, the Group is exploiting market opportunities to push ahead with fleet modernisation and to purchase modern aircraft at short notice and attractive conditions. The Lufthansa Group exploited corresponding short-term market opportunities in the reporting year by leasing two Boeing 787s. Both aircraft have since been added to the fleet, marking the start of Austrian Airlines’ fleet modernisation.

In the 2023 financial year, the Lufthansa Group expanded its existing aircraft orders and ordered more than 100 state-of-the-art aircraft (22 long-haul aircraft: seven Boeing 787-9s, ten A350-1000s and five A350-900s as well as 80 short- and medium-haul aircraft: 40 Airbus A220-300s and 40 Boeing 737-8 MAXs). Purchase options were also agreed for another 20 A220-300s, 60 B737-8 MAXs and 40 aircraft from the A320neo family. These acquisitions will result in a further lasting improvement in the fleet’s efficiency. The aircraft have up to 30% lower fuel consumption and carbon emissions compared with their direct predecessor models. They therefore make an important contribution to the ongoing development of the long-haul fleet, leading to lower operating costs, a reduced range of aircraft in the fleet and more sustainable flying.

The Lufthansa Group ordered five more Airbus A350-1000 long-haul aircraft in December 2024, increasing its fixed orders for aircraft of this type from ten to 15.

At year-end 2024, there were 242 aircraft on the Lufthansa Group’s order list. There are also options to buy a further 182 aircraft. New aircraft are allocated centrally to the respective airline fleets shortly before delivery.

Fixed orders1) Delivery period Options
Long-haul fleet
Airbus A350-1000 15 2026 to 2030 25
Airbus A350-900 24 2025 to 2031
Boeing 787-9 34 2025 to 2028 13
Boeing 777-9 20 2025 to 2028 24
Boeing 777-8F 7 2027 to 2030
Short-haul fleet
Airbus A220-300 40 2026 to 2031 20
Airbus A320neo 40 2025 to 2028 40
Airbus A321neo 22 2025 to 2028
Boeing 737-8 40 2027 to 2032 60
Total aircraft 242 2025 to 2032 182
1) Excluding contracted leases.
Flexible fleet planning permits adaptation to market developments

The Lufthansa Group is expecting the delivery of around 25 aircraft in the 2025 financial year, including short-haul aircraft from the A320neo family as well as long-haul A350 and Boeing 787 aircraft. SWISS is set to receive its first two Airbus A350 aircraft featuring, for the first time, the new SWISS Senses generation seats. The Boeing 787 aircraft ordered by Lufthansa Airlines will be the first to feature the new Allegris generation seats.

According to the current planning, around 20 aircraft are to be sold or their leases are due to expire in 2025. This planning is continuously reviewed. The Group can modify the capacity on offer by extending or shortening temporary decommissioning, delaying or bringing forward planned retirements and by taking out wet leases to match stronger or weaker than planned demand.

Potential material defects in components of the PW1100G engine family mean that the parts concerned will be inspected for safety reasons. An average of around 30 aircraft in the Lufthansa Group were therefore not available for service in the reporting year. The aircraft concerned were A320neo and A321neo models, as well as some replacement engines. A total of 64 Lufthansa Group aircraft and 136 engines are affected, around 100 of which have already undergone an initial inspection. The aim is to mitigate the effects on capacity by acquiring additional replacement engines, extending the useful life of existing aircraft and additional wet leases. The Lufthansa Group has significantly reduced the financial risks involved after successfully negotiating with Pratt & Whitney.

Long-term fleet strategy aims to standardise and reduce aircraft models

Aircraft from Airbus and Boeing make up the majority of the Lufthansa Group fleet. Aircraft from Bombardier and Embraer are also deployed on short-haul routes.

As part of the long-term fleet strategy, the number of aircraft models operated on long-haul routes is continuously being lowered to reduce the level of complexity throughout the Group. The orders placed in the years 2019 to 2024 for a total of 34 A350-900s (including four used aircraft), 15 new A350-1000s and 39 new 787-9s, along with leases for another six A350-900s and two Boeing 787-9s, form the basis for the structural modernisation and optimisation of the long-haul fleet.

The complete retirement of the aircraft types 747-400, 777-200ER, A340-600, A340-300, A330-200 and 767-300ER is offset by the introduction of the new A350-1000s, 787-9s and 777-9s. Accordingly, in net terms the number of long-haul aircraft types is to be reduced by three, from the current 13 to ten. The Group expects significant cost savings from these measures, especially in the areas of crew training, maintenance and operations.

Group-wide engine management realises synergies

The Lufthansa Group has introduced engine management throughout the Group in order to also achieve synergies in the engine business. The aim behind this is to increase the number of usable flight hours per engine (green time) and to benefit from the joint use of replacement engines and the joint purchase of MRO services for all Group airlines.

The Lufthansa Group continues to own a significant share of its fleet

Overall, the Lufthansa Group owns 88% (previous year: 89%) of its total fleet and leases 12% (previous year: 11%). More than 85% (previous year: 85%) of the owned fleet is unencumbered, i.e. not used as collateral under financing arrangements.

The owned aircraft provide a high degree of operational flexibility. In order to respond flexibly to fluctuations in demand and to adjust capacity at short notice, depreciated aircraft can at short notice remain in service for longer or be retired before their planned phase-out. The aircraft can also be used as collateral in financing activities. In contrast, leases enable a faster response to market and technological changes. They also reduce the use of capital when compared with purchasing new aircraft. The Group intends to expand the proportion of its fleet which is leased in the medium to long term. ↗ Financial strategy and value-based management.