Notes to the individual financial statements of Lufthansa AG (HGB)
- Revenue up to EUR 15.8bn.
- Loss from operating activities more than offset by positive result from equity investments.
- Total assets up to EUR 46.3bn
The financial statements of Deutsche Lufthansa AG have been prepared in accordance with the German Commercial Code (HGB), the supplementary provisions of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and the Articles of Association, and have been audited by EY GmbH & Co. KG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Eschborn/Frankfurt am Main. They will be published in the Company Register. The financial statements are permanently available online at
This annual report combines the management report for Deutsche Lufthansa AG with the management report for the Lufthansa Group. Deutsche Lufthansa AG and its results comprise the flight operations of Lufthansa Airlines as well as the expenses incurred by the central functions for Corporate Development, Finance and Controlling, Communications, Public Affairs, Human Resources, Legal and Compliance, as well as Data Security, Safety and Procurement. The economic environment of Deutsche Lufthansa AG is essentially the same as for the Group. However, accounting disparities have resulted in a significant difference between the net result for the year for Deutsche Lufthansa AG and the net profit for the period. This is mainly due to the different accounting treatment of fair value changes in retirement benefit-related plan assets. ↗ Macroeconomic situation; Sector developments; Course of business.