Disclosures in accordance with Section 289a Paragraph 1 HGB and Section 315a Paragraph 1 HGB

Composition of issued capital, types of shares, rights and duties

Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s issued capital amounts to EUR 3,067,690,682.88 and is divided into 1,198,316,673 registered shares. Each share corresponds to EUR 2.56 of the issued capital. The transfer of shares requires the Company’s authorisation (restriction of transferability). The Company may only withhold authorisation if registering the new shareholder in the shareholders’ register could jeopardise the maintenance of air traffic rights. This did not occur in the 2024 financial year. Shareholders exercise their rights and cast their votes at the Annual General Meeting in accordance with statutory regulations and the Company’s Articles of Association. Each share is entitled to one vote.

Voting and share transfer restrictions

To preserve international air traffic rights and air traffic rights to fly to various international destinations, the proportion of German / European shareholders must be at least 50% of the Company’s issued capital. If the proportion of foreign shareholders reaches 40%, Deutsche Lufthansa AG is granted special permission under Section 4 Paragraph 1 of the German Aviation Compliance Documentation Act (LuftNaSiG) together with Section 71 Paragraph 1 No. 1 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) to buy back its treasury shares. If the proportion of foreign shareholders in the shareholders’ register reaches 45%, the Company is authorised, subject to Supervisory Board approval, to increase issued capital by up to 10% by issuing new shares for payment in cash without subscription rights for existing shareholders (Section 4 Paragraphs 2 and 3 LuftNaSiG together with Section 4 Paragraph 3 of the Articles of Association). If the proportion of foreign shareholders approaches the 50% threshold, the Company is entitled to withhold authorisation to register new foreign shareholders in the shareholders’ register (Section 5 Paragraph 1 of the Articles of Association). Furthermore, the Company is authorised, according to Section 5 Paragraph 2 LuftNaSiG and subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board, to require the most recently registered shareholders to sell their shares. From the fourth day after this requirement has been published, the shareholders concerned can no longer exercise the rights conferred by the shares concerned. If they do not comply with the requirement within four weeks, the Company is entitled after a further notice period of three weeks to declare the shares to be forfeited and to compensate the shareholders accordingly. On 31 December 2024, foreign shareholders held 20.7% of the shares in the shareholders’ register of the Company. No steps were taken in financial year 2024 to limit the percentage of foreign shareholders. Detailed information on LuftNaSiG and the quarterly update on our shareholder structure can be found at www.lufthansagroup.com/investor-relations.

The annual share investment programmes for employees and managers have time-based restrictions on trading in shares, particularly lock-up periods of up to four years.

Direct or indirect shareholdings with more than 10% of voting rights

As of 31 December 2024, the Company had received the following notification of direct or indirect shareholdings with more than 10% of voting rights:

  • Kühne Aviation GmbH, Hamburg, Germany: 15.01% (notified on 6 July 2022)
Holders of shares with special controlling rights

The Company has no shares that confer special controlling rights.

Control of voting rights for employee shares when control rights are exercised indirectly

Where the Company issues shares to its staff as part of its employee programmes, these shares are transferred to the employees directly. The staff beneficiaries can exercise the controlling rights that accrue to them from the employee shares directly in the same way as other shareholders, in accordance with statutory regulations and the provisions of the Articles of Association.

Statutory regulations and provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association on the appointment and dismissal of members of the Executive Board and amendments to the Company’s Articles of Association

The Supervisory Board appoints the members of the Executive Board and decides how many members there should be. The Supervisory Board can revoke appointments for membership and to the position of Chairman of the Executive Board for good reason. All amendments to the Articles of Association must be approved by resolution of an Annual General Meeting, with a simple majority of the issued capital present, unless the Articles of Association or binding provisions of the Stock Corporation Act determine otherwise (Section 18 Paragraph 1 of the Articles of Association). The Supervisory Board is authorised to adopt changes to the Articles of Association that only relate to wording (Section 11 Paragraph 4 of the Articles of Association). Furthermore, the Supervisory Board is entitled to amend Section 4 of the Articles of Association if authorised capital is exercised or expires.

Rights of the Executive Board to issue or repurchase shares

As of 31 December 2024, Deutsche Lufthansa AG had Authorised Capital A amounting to EUR 1,000,000,000.00 and Authorised Capital B amounting to EUR 92,752,565.76.

A resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting on 7 May 2024 authorised the Executive Board until 6 May 2029, subject to approval by the Supervisory Board, to increase the Company’s issued capital by up to EUR 1,000,000,000.00 by issuing new registered shares on one or more occasions for payment in cash or in kind (Authorised Capital A). No use was made of this authorisation in the reporting period.

A resolution passed by the Annual General Meeting on 9 May 2023 authorised the Executive Board until 8 May 2028, subject to approval by the Supervisory Board, to increase the Company’s issued capital on one or more occasions by up to EUR 100,000,000.00 by issuing new registered shares to employees (Authorised Capital B) for payment in cash. Existing shareholders’ subscription rights are excluded. In the reporting period, the Company used EUR 4,347,712.00 of this authorised amount to issue 1,698,325 new shares to employees.

As of 31 December 2024, Deutsche Lufthansa AG had contingent capital from 2020 amounting to EUR 122,417,728.00 and contingent capital from 2022 amounting to EUR 306,044,326.40.

At the same time, the Annual General Meeting determined on 5 May 2020 to authorise the Executive Board, subject to approval by the Supervisory Board and until 4 May 2025, to issue bearer or registered convertible bonds, option bonds, profit-sharing rights and / or participating bonds (or combinations of these instruments), collectively referred to simply as bonds, for a total nominal value of up to EUR 1,500,000,000.00 and to grant conversion and / or option rights to new registered Company shares to the holders or creditors of the bonds mentioned above with a pro-rata amount of issued capital of up to EUR 122,417,728.00. The Company’s issued capital was increased accordingly by up to EUR 122,417,728.00 by issuing up to 47,819,425.00 new registered shares.

The contingent capital increase will only take place to the extent that the holders or creditors of bonds issued by the Company or its Group companies pursuant to the authorisation given at the Annual General Meeting of 5 May 2020 exercise their conversion or option rights, or if the holders or creditors of convertible bonds meet their conversion obligations or, if the Company exercises its option, Company shares are granted in lieu of payment of all or part of the amount in cash due, to the extent that cash compensation is not granted or the Company’s treasury shares are not used for settling the obligation. The new shares are entitled to share in profits from the beginning of the reporting year in which they are issued by the exercise of conversion or option rights, by meeting a conversion obligation, or by the exercise of rights to sell shares.

In November 2020, the Executive Board with the approval of the Supervisory Board made partial use of the authorisation granted on 5 May 2020 to issue bonds with a total nominal amount of up to EUR 1,500,000,000.00 by issuing convertible bonds with a total nominal amount of EUR 600,000,000.00. No conversion rights under the issued convertible bonds have yet been exercised; the contingent capital of EUR 122,417,728.00 adopted by the Annual General Meeting on 5 May 2020 therefore continues to exist unchanged. The authorisation of 5 May 2020 to issue further bonds was revoked on 4 May 2021.

At the same time, the Annual General Meeting determined on 10 May 2022 to authorise the Executive Board, subject to approval by the Supervisory Board and until 9 May 2027, to issue registered bonds for a total nominal value of up to EUR 1,750,000,000.00 and to grant conversion and/or option rights to new registered Company shares to the holders or creditors of the bonds mentioned above with a pro-rata amount of issued capital of up to EUR 306,044,326.40. Issued capital was increased accordingly by resolution of the Annual General Meeting on 10 May 2022 by up to EUR 306,044,326.40 by issuing up to 119,548,565 new registered shares.

The contingent capital increase serves to provide shares to the holders or creditors of conversion and / or option rights from convertible bonds that may be issued by the Company or its Group companies until 9 May 2027. The new shares are issued at the conversion or strike price set in each case. The contingent capital increase is only to be carried out to the extent that conversion rights or options are exercised or holders or creditors of bonds with a conversion obligation meet their conversion obligation, or to the extent that the Company exercises an option, to settle all or part of the amount due in Company shares instead of in cash, and to the extent that a cash compensation is not paid or the Company’s treasury shares are not used for settling the obligation. To the extent that they are issued by the timeous exercise of the rights before the start of the Company’s Annual General Meeting, the new shares are entitled to share in profits from the beginning of the previous financial year, otherwise from the beginning of the financial year in which they are issued by the exercise of conversion or option rights, by meeting a conversion obligation, or by the exercise of rights to sell shares. The Executive Board is authorised to determine the further details of the way in which the contingent capital increase is to be carried out.

No use was made of this authorisation in the reporting period.

Further information on authorised capital, contingent capital and share buy-backs ↗  Consolidated financial statements, note 34.

Important Company agreements subject to a change-of-control clause in the event of a takeover offer

The Euro Medium-Term Note (EMTN) programme operated by the Company to issue bonds includes a change-of-control clause, according to which holders of bonds issued thereunder can demand early redemption of the bond in the event of a change of control. The change of control is tied to the concepts of control, which are defined in detail in the EMTN programme, and of a rating downgrade resulting from the change of control within a change-of-control period. The following bonds are currently outstanding under this programme:

  • EUR 750m bond maturing on 11 February 2025
  • EUR 1,000m bond maturing on 29 May 2026
  • EUR 900m bond maturing on 16 May 2027
  • EUR 850m bond maturing on 11 February 2028
  • EUR 500m bond maturing on 3 September 2028
  • EUR 500m bond maturing on 14 July 2029
  • EUR 750m bond maturing on 21 May 2030
  • EUR 500m bond maturing on 3 September 2032

In August 2015, Deutsche Lufthansa AG issued a hybrid bond for EUR 500m, due on 12 August 2075, which also includes the change-of-control clause described above. Furthermore, Deutsche Lufthansa AG has signed a loan agreement for EUR 2.5bn and issued other borrower’s note loans that include similar change-of-control clauses. As of 31 December 2024, a total of EUR 349m was still outstanding.

In November 2020, Deutsche Lufthansa AG issued a convertible bond for EUR 600m, due on 17 November 2025. The terms of the bond include a change-of-control clause that adjusts the conversion price and entitles the creditors to early repayment of the loan in the event of a change of control. A change of control occurs if one or more persons acquire control of Deutsche Lufthansa AG or if, in the event of a mandatory offer for ordinary shares, a situation occurs in which ordinary shares collectively hold more than 50% of the voting rights in Deutsche Lufthansa AG.

Compensation agreements with Executive Board members or employees in the event of a takeover offer

In the event of a change of control at Deutsche Lufthansa AG defined more precisely in the employment contract, the Executive Board members and the Company are entitled to terminate the contract within six months of this change of control.

If the contract ends because the special termination right is exercised or the contract is revoked amicably within six months of and in connection with the change of control, the Executive Board member is entitled to compensation for remuneration outstanding for the remainder of the contract. The termination payment may not exceed 100% of the contractually agreed cap on severance pay of two years’ remuneration. ↗ Remuneration report.