Metrics and targets

S1-5 – Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positive impacts, and managing material risks and opportunities

The Lufthansa Group derives its targets from both the Group strategy and its Human Resources strategy. In Germany, the targets set are presented to the co-determination bodies. Key performance indicators are iteratively developed and defined at the Group level by the responsible specialist departments, the strategy departments, and the Lufthansa Group Executive Board. The Group strategy department monitors these targets and reports on them to the Group Executive Board at regular intervals.

In the employee survey, employees may submit suggestions for improvement, which are then evaluated for feasibility.

The Lufthansa Group has defined the following targets:

T066 ESRS S1-5 | 46 Lufthansa Group human resources targets
Category Value in 2024 Target
Women in management positions (%) 1) 25.3 25 by 2025
Value for engagement index 3.8 2) According to the benchmark
1) Women in management positions comprises the proportion of female managers in the Group Executive Board and the three subordinate management levels
2) This figure would be 2.2 according to the calculation method applied in the previous year.
S1-6 – Characteristics of the undertaking’s employees
T067 ESRS S1-6 I 50a – Characteristics of the undertaking’s employees as of the reporting date 31.12.2024
Male Headcount 55,193
Female Headcount 46,229
Non-binary Headcount 0
Not reported Headcount 0
Total number of employees Headcount 101,422
T068 ESRS S1-6 | 50a Employees by country1) as of the reporting date 31.12.2024
Germany Headcount 69,971
Switzerland Headcount 11,545
Austria Headcount 6,105
Philippines Headcount 3,495
Belgium Headcount 3,413
Malta Headcount 1,652
Other2) Headcount 5,241
Total number Headcount 101,422
1) According to company headquarters for each country
2) Other includes the further employees in other countries
T069 ESRS S1-6 & S1-9 I 50a & 66a Employment categories by gender as of the reporting date 31.12.2024
Employee headcount Employee headcount in top management1) % of employees in top management1)
Male 55,193 547 1.0%
Female 46,229 185 0.4%
Non-binary  0 0 0%
Not reported 0 0 0%
Total number of employees 101,422 732 0.7%
1) Top management comprises the Group Executive Board and the three subordinate management levels.

The total number of employees who left subsidiaries or the parent company during the reporting period was 6,826, and the staff turnover rate for the reporting period was 6.4%.

T070 ESRS S1-6 | 50b Type of employment contract by gender as of the reporting date 31.12.2024
Male Female Non-binary Not reported Total
Number of employees Headcount 55,193 46,229 0 0 101,422
Number of permanent employees Headcount 53,960 45,110 0 0 99,070
Number of temporary employees Headcount 1,233 1,119 0 0 2,352
Number of non-guaranteed hours employees Headcount 339 713 0 0 1,052
Number of full-time employees Headcount 43,572 22,793 0 0 66,365
Number of part-time employees Headcount 11,621 23,436 0 0 35,057
S1-8 – Collective bargaining coverage and social dialogue

The collective bargaining agreements employees in countries in the European Economic Area (EEA) make up 64% of the Lufthansa Group’s total worldwide employees. Below is an additional presentation of coverage by collective bargaining agreements and workers’ representatives for EEA countries with significant employment (i.e. >10% of the total workforce).

T071 ESRS S1-8 | 60b & 63a Collective bargaining coverage & employee representation as of the reporting date 31.12.2024
Collective bargaining agreements Social dialogue – workers’ representatives
Coverage rate for Lufthansa Group employees worldwide1) Employees – EEA countries
(for EEA countries with >50 employees constituting >10% of the total workforce)
Workplace representation – EEA countries
(for EEA countries with >50 employees constituting >10% of the total workforce)
40–59% Germany
60–79% Germany
1) This table relates the information to the total number of employees worldwide at the Lufthansa Group.

The Lufthansa Group is subject to the Euro Info Agreement. The agreement involves employee representatives from the various European companies and locations of the Group who are informed by management on structural, economic and financial matters.

S1-9 – Diversity metrics
T072 ESRS S1-9 | 66a Gender distribution at top management level1) as of the reporting date 31.12.2024
Gender Headcount in %
Male 547 75%
Female 185 25%
Non-binary 0 0%
Not reported 0 0%
Total number 732 100%
1) Top management comprises the highest management level in the form of the Group Executive Board and the three subordinate management levels.
T073 ESRS S1-9 | 66b – Distribution of employees by age group as of the reporting date 31.12.2024
Age group Headcount in %
Over 60 7,945 8%
55–59 12,863 13%
50–54 11,673 12%
45–49 12,899 13%
40–44 12,104 12%
35–39 12,325 12%
30–34 11,946 12%
25–29 11,052 11%
20–24 7,380 7%
18–19 1,050 1%
15–17 185 0%
S1-10 – Adequate wages

The Lufthansa Group and its companies strive to ensure that employees receive adequate remuneration. This applies to all employee groups regardless of location. The remuneration for the majority of employees is negotiated and set through collective agreements with labour union partners. The Lufthansa Group regularly reviews country-specific average market salaries and the economic and legal frameworks, such as inflation trends or statutory minimum wage requirements. This not only reflects the Lufthansa Group’s commitment as a socially responsible employer but is also an essential prerequisite for positioning the Company as an attractive employer that recognises the contribution of its employees to its success.

S1-14 – Health and safety metrics

The Lufthansa Group has introduced an occupational safety management system that covers all companies and is based on the Group policy approved by the Group Executive Board. All of the Company’s own workforce are covered by a management system.

During the reporting year, an incident occurred on a SWISS flight in which two employees were hospitalised with injuries, one of which subsequently died in the hospital. In addition, one Lufthansa Group employee died on a business trip from the consequences of an illness. To prevent infections and illnesses in general, the Medical Services have implemented preventive measures. These measures are regularly reviewed for effectiveness and adjusted if necessary.

Across all companies, a total of 1,357 workplace accidents occurred that resulted in at least one calendar day of absence. This corresponds to a rate of 9.4 workplace accidents per 1 million working hours.

S1-16 – Remuneration metrics

The Lufthansa Group is committed to ensuring comparable pay for comparable work and intends to keep emphasising this topic. The fact that this report still presents a gender pay gap is primarily due to structural differences among groups of employees, which largely result in a difference in average total pay for female and male employees across the workforce.

The gender pay gap shown here represents the difference between the average total remuneration of female and male employees. It is calculated by deducting the gross hourly wage of female employees from the average gross hourly wage of male employees and dividing this figure by the average gross hourly wage of male employees.

The gender pay gap calculation is based on a comparison of total remuneration, accounting for all components such as fixed and variable payments and benefits. It is based on the overall comparison of all remuneration figures regardless of employee group, position, subsidiary or country. In the reporting year, the gender pay gap was 27% in the favour of male employees. This is an unadjusted figure, in line with the calculation requirements of ESRS S1 – 16, and therefore does not reflect structural differences. The characteristics of large groups of employees in the Lufthansa Group mean that the figure is of minimal informative. At the end of 2024, for example, out of around 34,200 flight assistants at the Lufthansa Group, including pursers, approximately 80% were female and 20% male. Among the 11,300 pilots at the Lufthansa Group, by contrast, 7% were female and 93% male. This shows that the above figure does not necessarily indicate a lack of fairness in remuneration.

The annual total remuneration ratio expresses the ratio of the highest paid individual’s annual total remuneration to the median annual total remuneration of all employees. To reach this figure, the annual total remuneration of the highest paid individual is divided by the median annual total remuneration for all employees (excluding the highest-paid individual). In the reporting year, the highest paid individual was the Chairman of the Executive Board of Deutsche Lufthansa AG. The annual total remuneration ratio at the Lufthansa Group in 2024 came to 1:86. All components of remuneration – fixed and variable payments as well as benefits received during the 2024 financial year – were included in the calculation.

S1-17 – Incidents, complaints and severe human rights impacts

The Lufthansa Group’s Human Rights and Non-Discrimination team received complaints from internal and/or external stakeholders across all operations on the following grounds:

T074 ESRS S1-17 | 103 Incidents and complaints related to human rights in 2024
Number of reported incidents of discrimination, including harassment 45
Number of complaints submitted using the channels for own workforce 10
Number of complaints submitted to the national contact points for multinational companies of the OECD 0
Total amount of fines, penalties and compensation payments EUR 0,000
T075 ESRS S1-17 | 104 Cases of severe human rights violations and incidents in 2024
Number of severe human rights violations and incidents related to the Company’s own workforce 0
Number of severe human rights violations and incidents related to the Company’s own workforce (violations of the UN Guiding Principles, OECD Guidelines and/or ILO Declaration) 0
Total amount of fines, penalties and compensation payments EUR 0,000