Metrics and targets

E2-3 - Targets related to pollution

The Lufthansa Group is committed to continuously reducing aircraft noise. The primary goal is to lower aircraft noise at source and to develop optimised flight procedures together with system partners. Since 2012, the Lufthansa Group has played an active role in the Alliance for Active Noise Abatement at its Frankfurt location. Since then, the Lufthansa Group, together with stakeholders in the “Forum Flughafen und Region”, has been monitoring the effectiveness of active noise abatement measures. The impact of noise-reducing aircraft modifications, such as vortex generators, can be measured, where possible, using data from the airport’s noise monitoring stations. Improvements resulting from fleet modernisation can be verified, for example, by the changes in the three noise levels recorded in the noise abatement certificate. The effectiveness review is conducted annually with no defined end date. In addition, the Company is currently evaluating whether setting a target based on its existing active noise abatement indicator would serve as an effective management tool for noise reduction. This metric is directly linked to the status of fleet modernisation.

E2-4 - Pollution of air, water and soil
99.6% of the operational Group fleet meet aircraft noise standard in 2024

Noise reduction improvements resulting from fleet modernisation are measured using a company-specific performance indicator. This active noise abatement indicator reflects the proportion of the fleet that falls below specified noise limits, depending on both the composition of the Lufthansa Group fleet and ongoing modernisation efforts. Since fleet renewal is a long-term process, annual changes remain minimal. As of 28 October 2024, 99.6% of the aircraft – virtually the Group’s entire operating fleet – met this criterion. A detailed description of the calculation methodologies can be found under ↗ Calculation methods in 2024 - Environment.

E2-6 – Anticipated financial effects from pollution-related risks and opportunities

The Lufthansa Group is making use of the option available under ESRS 1 Paragraph 137 to omit the disclosures required under ESRS E2-6 in the first year of preparation of its non-financial statement.